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Unification Poems - Poems about Unification

Unification Poems - Examples of all types of poems about unification to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for unification.

Premium Member Unification
An awakened night draws near its end the moon and stars now fade A dawning hue will soon ascend love’s conscious serenade A united mast from land to sea its morning sail unfurled Wind and wave do now decree arrival in this...Read the rest...
Categories: unification, destiny,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Prayer For Unification and Renewal
I will take a little walk or a long walk, God guides my fate my footsteps – His Christ, the light upon my path, though darkness on earth yet reigneth. He shows me my way, the power of His Divine Presence shielding me – the...Read the rest...
Categories: unification, christian, inspirational love, introspection,
Form: Free verse

Unification Understanding Undergrowth Underwater Uniquely Underwent Unselfishly Unified
Funnily it is the shame of sham that shampoo runs away down a drain. Oh dear. What an absolute disaster for the many supporting bottles bearing differing names. Nevertheless it is the revered gel that...Read the rest...
Categories: unification, anniversary,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Unification
In schoolhouses, barns, churches, all good grounds The blind, the weary, and those with sad stories Men, women, children needing His glory We will sing, as though His presence is around. We'll move from valley; then climb high to...Read the rest...
Categories: unification, encouraging,
Form: Sonnet
Unification of Love
Torn from an illusion, Lovers denied happiness Rebirth to spiritual planes Uniting soul mates again The powerless now powerful Depth of love, once misunderstood Blossoms eternally in light Where darkness once stood Souls bound together ...Read the rest...
Categories: unification, romance,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Unification
outstretched, her moan paused tighter her shapes in capture silken ropes more taught excitement arises I unification now met the rest...
Categories: unification, life, love, passion,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Our First Unification
This morning I awoke in this wonderful place I turned and viewed, the most beautiful of face She was lying beside me naked as birth Blond haired and tanned, being the first was worth She opened her eyes and...Read the rest...
Categories: unification, lovebeautiful, beautiful, eve, me,
Form: Quatrain
Unification On her knees, legs together in a yogic posture Restrains both hands and shoulders in 'Chakra' devotion She quells the demon of desire with in the ambience; Breaking forth with energy to reach her divine soul: Masters' to evolve...Read the rest...
Categories: unification, life
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things