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Unhinges Poems - Poems about Unhinges

Unhinges Poems - Examples of all types of poems about unhinges to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for unhinges.

Premium Member Working It All Out
...After that shock of... that which started you yelling, arguing, fighting confusion, anger, finding that 'it' ~ unhinges once a loving relationship now there ......Read the rest...
Categories: unhinges, anger, anxiety, forgiveness,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Moonshine Elixir
...MOONSHINE ELIXIR My rose perfume scents the hospital room where he returns for moonshine elixir. My eyes, wide and afraid at the pale monster who glows with pinkish cheeks as he drinks. I ......Read the rest...
Categories: unhinges, dark, evil, scary,
Form: Free verse

On the Fringes
...In the 60’s, I would binge On anything that sported fringe. My leather jacket decked with beads Had fringe that such a jacket needs. My brown suede belt I wore down low To hug my hips (the sta......Read the rest...
Categories: unhinges, clothes,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Visceral Intervals
...Romans 13:1 - “The authorities that exist have been established by God”… Though that seems more of a facade, long shot and a fraud from a world long gone Since sin no longer seems fiction in thi......Read the rest...
Categories: unhinges, america, anger, conflict, corruption,
Form: Free verse
Smoking Gun
...Everday I do it, then exhale its warm poison. It cools me , lets me think as if Ididnt have a brain of my own. In the mist of it all, the world puases for that moment life unhinges. As tho......Read the rest...
Categories: unhinges, confusion, me, me,
Form: Free verse

Night's Love
...Dark clouds Midnight What was that A quick flash of light Rain pouring down Look at that lightning strike Feel the power raging on Close your eyes you dont need your sight A boy stands in the middle ......Read the rest...
Categories: unhinges, caregiving, depression, fantasy, girlfriend-boyfriend,
Form: Rhyme
My Truth In Life
...I'm in love with life again! I hear it in the prose, in the influx and the echos as passion reading goes. I dream of it, I team with it, I sow life's seam with it How's that you sticking a nee......Read the rest...
Categories: unhinges, hope, life, love, me,
Form: Rhyme
The Dark One
...She walks among you – the Valkyrie Silent and diminutive, flitting through your lively ranks, Parting your shallow throngs of harsh color and raucous mirth A somnolent angel of death and destruct......Read the rest...
Categories: unhinges, imagination, sad
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry