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Unfathomed Poems - Poems about Unfathomed

Unfathomed Poems - Examples of all types of poems about unfathomed to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for unfathomed.
The beacons of light
...As darkness wriggled into every place, The land was governed by a veil of silence. The previous vivid life had left no trace, All but some crickets singing in defiance. The mortal rea......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, hope, night, star,
Form: Quatrain
People That Don't Know
... They’ve never felt the pull, the calling deep and low, Of waves that brush the shore with secrets kept below. Nor tasted salt on lips, nor felt the rush and sting Of tides that swell and break, ......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse

...All the fragile Never ask the fate of courage That whisper in whims Abundance aspire and speaks Apure voice summon a silent song Revere then in furthest comforts Fragrance spread all spring win......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, emotions, freedom,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member In the darkness of the night, as dreams descend
...In the darkness of the night, as dreams descend, And stars whisper mysteries of old, I long to slumber next to you, my dear, To entwine my fingers with yours in our own quiet. My hand touching yo......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Let's take a poem and raise it towards the sky
...Let's take a poem and raise it towards the sky, Observe its play of light like a diverse slide film, Allow the sun to whisper its hidden hues, And through it, let dreams flow like rays through lea......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Beneath the host of silence that pierces with the harshness of refusal
...Beneath the host of silence that pierces with the harshness of refusal, A timid odyssey of splendor quietly sharpens its echo. For in the depths of oceans of lamentation hidden, Rests a crystal of......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Unravelling Tears
...In the depths of my soul, a mystery lies, Unfathomed reasons that make me cry Tears, silently flowing without known reasons, Uninvited they flow without a cue, A problem without an urgent solutio......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, cry, fear, hurt,
Form: Epic
Premium Member A Horse and His Philosopher
...He saw the noble beast collapse in blood and dirt, Lashed by the owner’s cruel and ruthless crop He rushed to cradle its head upon his stained coat, And wept with sorrow that choked his broken h......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, emotions, feelings, horse, mental
Form: Ballad
...O pearl of life,O eye of world ! From hand of Lord on Earth thou drop The sailors , nymphs ,the lady bird All day and night harvest thy crop By which magic in world thou flow? Who writes ......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, age, allegory, allusion, angel,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Imagine
...Imagine Imagine… A mansion among many promised mansions On the banks of a river from blessing, Sparkling in the eternal sun, A shoreline lined with trees In the harmonic hush of glory Thei......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, home, imagination, joy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Unfathomed
...Unfathomed Consciousness swims slick outside my fingers, Trembling perceptions pure and round. Infinitely slow I close my grip, Entrapping, and watch them drown. Elizabeth McCann......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Gorge
...I saw a gorge, a remote vision from distant, far far away from the surface, how sharp, how precipitous, how deep! A  singular, unsurpassed, cavernous  cleft; a crevice among two gigantic hills, h......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, absence, appreciation, deep, devotion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Stop the War
...Sporadically, language falls short of the lasting mark To instantly share awe-inspiring testimonies and remark Appalling atrocities of war and unfathomed sorrow Millions of people ar......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, analogy, angst, bereavement, inspirational,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Regarding Merit
...Regarding merit: absent, missing, void Of all redeeming qualities, save one, The apple of His eye, His "very good.” Was He, in pleasant garden, much annoyed When they His one divine decree did sh......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, creation,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Premium Member Like In Kind
...Memories unleashed, like torrential floods, Begin as but a trickle from scant drops. What time has stored away now hid no more, Here seeps, there swells, now press against the stops. Tumbling o......Read the rest...
Categories: unfathomed, memory,
Form: Rhyme

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