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Unconscionable Poems - Poems about Unconscionable

Unconscionable Poems - Examples of all types of poems about unconscionable to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for unconscionable.
Premium Member Banned Book Club -III
...“A Diary of Occupation” Vakulenko Volodymyr’s last work (Banned in Ukraine) eastern part 20% Diary of Volodymyr Vakulenko — painful and true records that the writer kept from the beginning o......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, bible, books,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Paper Tiger
... His two objectives unmet Bibi approves the ‘deal’ he gets from Trump, in an unconscionable rush to bully Israel into a peace made of mush For 15 mo......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, courage, future, international, jewish,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I Paused It And Now Joey Cora Is Staring At Me
...Ruffling the feathers Of your expectations. Rilke to the left. The portrait of Alf The back of my left ear. What unconscionable theives, These Time Czars, Where we live with the scars, As joy......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, life,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Art As Activism II
...*Henry Ford developed plastic from soybeans for cars. It degrades! Art As Activism II Imagine no longer the sounds of seagulls squawking or splashing through......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, earth, environment, pollution, youth,
Form: Free verse
Children's Poems IV
...Children's Poems IV These are poems for children and poems about children and their mothers, fathers, grandmother, grandfathers and extended families. Boundless by Michael R. Burch for......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, baseball, boy, child, childhood,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Forbidden
...I want someone I cannot have. same story, different tale. time spent with her, I'm elated, time apart, a bitter hell. I want someone I cannot have. her beauty takes my breath away but she bel......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, devotion, friendship, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A simple flower
...Sweetest eyes collective; of what can only be most meaningful They are spectacles of what is best seen; you're truly beautiful The gifts you freely give; are full of unconscionable power N......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, friendship love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Truth Upon Waking
...unconscionable - how precious life is under wraps in a dark web surrounded by silk lies......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, angst,
Form: Kimo
Premium Member Dilemmatic
...hovering o’er head a halo? likely stars… a circle of cuckoo birds unconscionable violence toward a sinner or saint unconscious body… could have deserved it or not just desserts or rot… a go......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, truth, violence,
Form: Tanka
...Out of the night a black vice POTUS, a cry of hope from poll to poll- wrapped in our flag we know they loath us and our unconscionable goal. In the fell clutch of discrimination we hear them ......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, parody,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Scorpions Vs Dragons
...So many unconscionable ways to deal with pain This scorpions lost track of how many dragons he's slain Others might have battled them with a shield and sword My weapons of choice, the pe......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, allusion, care, courage, inspirational
Form: Free verse
Robbie - Ham Guilty For Gobbledygook
...I, A. Robbie - Ham guilty for gobbledygook... and ruffling turkey feathers! An innocent A1 miss steak kin kith once, a former main lion resident living social where Tigress and Euphrates con......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, 12th grade, 9th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member New Covenant
... "New Covenant" Heaven was on earth in those days, all connected, yet, the challenged unseeing lost in the Garden of Eden, walking in circles life bleeding, tim......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, muse, mystery, philosophy,
Form: Narrative
Do You Love Me
...DO YOU LOVE ME? Do you love me like a brother In a continuous dance Through the gliding rays Of a sun's light? Who are you to presume my need? Are you willing to shoulder The weight of......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, abuse, grief, heart, humanity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Agenda 1
...Its now to question It's now to dicuss It's now deny Any hold over us By the spawn of The unconscionable The dregs of the dregs The descendants of Misfits septic as pus Unacceptable being......Read the rest...
Categories: unconscionable, celebrity, character, child abuse,
Form: Rhyme

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