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Uncomparable Poems - Poems about Uncomparable

Uncomparable Poems - Examples of all types of poems about uncomparable to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for uncomparable.

One day, a bird will fly
...One day, a bird will fly….. One day, a bird soaring high in the sky, will be, she, in possibility Never to return in a neverland sky, decisive in nominative totality One day, a bird soaring high......Read the rest...
Categories: uncomparable, assonance, creation,
Form: Imagism
...Life is a balance of holding on and letting go Where we weighed both quality of joy and sorrow We live, we love, we cry, we understand Sometimes too, we ask dumbfound. Life is a gift, that is giv......Read the rest...
Categories: uncomparable, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Listening In Spring
...Blue Jays on a branch practicing what they sing Lions roaming the safari proudly acting like a king Leaves falling down, back and forth they gently swing Listen it is Mother Nature tha......Read the rest...
Categories: uncomparable, beauty, green, moon, nature,
Form: Monorhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Uncomparable Love
...*An uncomparable bond of love* A beautiful morning A long tiring walk The moment I fell down You were there to catch me. Every time I did a mistake Every other day I got confused All the t......Read the rest...
Categories: uncomparable, father, father daughter, love,
Form: Free verse
I See You Always
...How did you learn to smile so softly Expressing love on your well cut lips Can i say you are blessed with an uncomparable beauty One good creature that is perfectly made Yes many say non on earth......Read the rest...
Categories: uncomparable, beautiful,
Form: Lyric

Pride of a Woman
...I was walking absentmindedly on the street When I saw a sight luvly to behold. This sight fit to take a man off his seat Cos it's one that is but for the bold! I have been oblivious......Read the rest...
Categories: uncomparable, religion, me, men, sun,
Form: Ode
...You are royality You are king You grant us peace and grace You lead us, your followers You lock yourself within us You are mighty and eternal You've been through all time All centuries, throug......Read the rest...
Categories: uncomparable, faith
Form: I do not know?
Freestyle Thought
...Like a messiah nailed down. Steaks are high... Cant ask why, for me, it's do or die. You would have to live it to get it. To see why I couldnt regret it. To see what the significance is. What t......Read the rest...
Categories: uncomparable, life, me, hate, me,
Form: Free verse
...The silence How profound it can be Silence Pleasant in its own way But that same silence Can feel demonic And dark That black sound Slowliy creeping Infesting Filling me With sini......Read the rest...
Categories: uncomparable, angst, art, imagination, life,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry