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Uncle Tom Poems - Poems about Uncle Tom

Uncle Tom Poems - Examples of all types of poems about uncle tom to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for uncle tom.
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...By Chad Carlson The title says it all. I've been cursed with family deaths... Let me explain. 1 grandmother and 2 uncles is 3 deaths in the last 4 months. 5 weeks ago my grandmother passed, my unc......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, death, deep, family, grandmother,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member The Little Girl was the Canvas
...Where is the canvas? The little girl said. Her father was a cut-up type artist, went by Odd Ned. I will use your face and your hair I think. She was relieved that her Daddy used a bit of pink. ......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, art,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member My Daddy
...he is big and fierce, a mean looking ogre too. On his bald head is an enormous spider tattoo. My boyfriends all became terrified, they stayed away. His name is Mad Manfork, with them he loves to p......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, dad,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Nation of Cowards
...Powerful words, Truthful words, Honest words, Brave words; This is exactly what the Doctor orders, For a nation, who's trying to fight the horrors Of blatant racism, Unfairness, injustice, Ne......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, america, betrayal, emotions, hate,
Form: Rhyme
His Life Mattered, Part V
......He brother railed at her when they were wed, ‘Uncle Tom, race traitor!”such words were said, ‘Raised by a white man, you’ll mess up your son!” She just rolled her eyes, and said, “Are you done?......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, change, conflict, growth, people,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Steampunk Cat Listens To Uncle Tom
...Steampunk Cat had some weird feelings in his head. They clanged around against metal, filled him with dread. Something is happening, he told his Uncle Tom Stead. I feel a storm is coming, that mig......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Nation of Cowards
...(Dedicated to you, my Brothers and Sisters) Powerful words, Truthful words, Honest words, Brave words; This is exactly what the Doctor orders, For a Nation, who’s trying to fight the horrors ......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, america, black african american,
Form: Rhyme
Lollipop Series- What I Love
...Mommy deemed the three-year-old me as an honour Said that I should become a doctor Stethoscope and thermometer are in her gift bag To spark the zeal in me, she set to wave a green flag. Dadd......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, birthday, boy, child, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Uncle Is Dead
...He came into my room glowering. I rolled my eyes, but inside my head, silently, so he could not see. He comes to me daily, to get away from his “mean” teacher. I am feeling a bit mean myself. W......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, humorous,
Form: Narrative
The Born To Rule Mentality
...In the fantasizing brains of all Nigerian Fulanis, Including their kindergarten still urinating on nannies; All the entries and exits within country’s Aso Rock To keep obeying their adjustable, Fu......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, africa, character, dream, people,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Uncle Tom's Place
...This is a tribute to my Uncle Tom. He died from Covid 19 last week, even though he was healthy and strong. He was my Dad's last surviving sibling, the baby of the family. They are now all gone, the......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, death, family,
Form: Rhyme
A Traitor To Their Race
...When I see a black person go and vote for a Republican, I do not think I’ve seen a more self-hating and disgusting man. Do they not know of the struggle? How can they even show their face? They......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, gender, perspective, philosophy, political,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member A Black Cop In the Hood
...He's a black cop in the neighborhood He protects his people a force for good Dials down the heat when he's on the beat Keeps the 'boyz at bay' on the ghetto streets Moms and Grand......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, character, conflict, confusion, violence,
Form: Rhyme
Ultimate Rap League
...I’m in a Ultimate Rap league/ Of raps supreme/ Knowledge reigns three hundred sixty degrees/ Smack haters google me/ Can’t this my hidden identity/ (“YAHU”) \THE ALMIGHTY/ I’m favored Highly/ ......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, blessing, devotion, god, jesus,
Form: Free verse
Vampire of the Rising Sun
...(intro) There is a vampire in my dreams that Sing calls uncle tom he treats me like a sun indeed he's not the only one he sneaks inside my tired mind I don't know how to sleep and ......Read the rest...
Categories: uncle tom, relationship,
Form: Lyric

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry