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Ule Poems - Poems about Ule

Ule Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ule to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ule.

Premium Member Grandma Winslet and Her Guest
...It was going to be the best Christmas of the most spectacular, magnificent Christmases in the world.Certainly, the best one we had ever seen, for Grandma Winslet was coming from England which is big.......Read the rest...
Categories: ule, grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Best Christmas Ever
...It was going to be the best Christmas of the most spectacular, magnificent Christmases in the world. Certainly, the best one we had ever seen, for Grandma Winslet was coming from England which is bi......Read the rest...
Categories: ule, christmas, family, grandmother,
Form: Narrative

Rule and Dominate
...S-cribe A-uthors R-ighteous A-crostic H-aving F-abulously L-et O-ne W-onderful E-xpression R-ule A-nd D-ominate A-s M-essage S-oars Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: ule, poetess,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Smile of New Dawn
...E-arliness D-elights M-orn U-sing N-ew D-awn's S-mile T-o R-ule O-ut L-oneliness I-nto S-hadows Topic: Poet (Edmund Strolis) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: ule, poets,
Form: Acrostic
Exceptional Role
...F-inish E-xcellent D-uty's E-xceptional R-ole I-n C-hosen O-nes' D-ivine E-lection L-etting A-ppropriate T-ime O-f R-est R-ule E-veryone Topic: In memory of Bro. Federico G. De......Read the rest...
Categories: ule, death,
Form: Acrostic

Highest Rule
...C-reator's H-ighest R-ule I-s S-hown T-o O-ffer P-romised H-eaven's E-ndless R-apture H-aving E-ndorsed R-emarkable N-obility A-nd N-otable D-elight's E-ternity Z-one Topic: B......Read the rest...
Categories: ule, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Rule of Form
...S-ee H-ow I-t E-mploys N-ew E-xceptional F-orm's R-ule A-s N-ice C-omment I-s S-aid C-oming O-verwhelmingly Topic: Birthday of Shiene Francisco (February 15) Form: Vertical Monoc......Read the rest...
Categories: ule, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Exceptional Devotion
...E-xceptional D-evotion U-nder A-lmighty' s R-ule D-enotes O-ne & L- ove Y-ielding N-ice N-uptial M-oment A-s N-atural A-ffection L-ives O-n Topic: 37th Wedding Anniversary ......Read the rest...
Categories: ule, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
From Glory To Dust-2
...From glory to dust-2 F ragile humans flailing away at cataclysmic events, trying to R ule the world without a clue, not knowing the way O ut... Impressive they try to be, imposing their M edi......Read the rest...
Categories: ule, angst, confusion, corruption, future,
Form: Acrostic
Real Change Has Come
...R-eal change has come, O-ne man is chosen to lead; D-rugs, vice and corruption R-est in peace, so does the greed. I-mplementor of discipline, G-overnment employees will work hard; O-nce and......Read the rest...
Categories: ule, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
From Glory To Dust
...From glory to dust F ragile humans flailing away at cataclysmic events, trying to R ule the world without a clue, not knowing the way O ut... Impressive they try to be, imposing their M ediocri......Read the rest...
Categories: ule, angst, change, horror, humanity,
Form: Acrostic
Sisi Kama Sisi
...Tatizo letu sisi kama sisi ni kwamba hatuna elimu lakini ni wajuaji Tatizo letu sisi kama sisi ni kwamba hatutaki kutembea bali kukimbia Tatizo letu sisi kama sisi ni kwamba hatushibi, Tunakula......Read the rest...
Categories: ule, anger, anxiety,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things