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Tyler Poems - Poems about Tyler

Tyler Poems - Examples of all types of poems about tyler to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for tyler.

Premium Member Tippy Canoe and Tyler Too
Tippy Canoe and Tyler too Gray rabbit is on top with attitude, spots overdue Red rhino steadies him as he leans Balancing a blue ball, which is filled with beans Rocket ship is kind of in the middle played by...Read the rest...
Categories: tyler, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Tyler Soccer Player
Once upon a time, there was a boy called Tyler playing with his soccer ball. He was a ten years old boy with black hair and green eyes. Every afternoon, Tyler played with his...Read the rest...
Categories: tyler, children,
Form: Prose

No one likes you. We hate you. No one loves you. You might as well go kill yourself. No one will even miss you once you're gone.... Why tell someone these things? What good does that bring you? Does it make you...Read the rest...
Categories: tyler, anti bullying, universe,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Rip Tyler
You were twenty and about to graduate college when you made a fatal mistake! Two days ago i lost you and was reminded of what i should appreciate. The memories that we share hold the...Read the rest...
Categories: tyler, death,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Tyler and the Beast
Beasty was a monstrous dog, An Irish Wolfhound he. If you saw him bounding towards you, You'd likely turn and flee. One day while he was walking 'bout, He came upon a fight. Some bigger boys were roughing up, A small lad...Read the rest...
Categories: tyler, child, dog,
Form: Quatrain

Tyler, Sunday Morning
Dark as a demon, but with the soul of an angel, he's a Portuguese Water Dog who's never been to sea, but, as he oughta, he loves water, and highly proprietary when you're watching TV, downtime is...Read the rest...
Categories: tyler, family, water, water,
Form: Ballad
Kids and Tyler
He sings so sweetly, my puppies perk Up their ears. They love my grandkid As much as I do. Larry opened the door And Tyler ran in. He asked me why my Treadmill was dusty. I said it's nice Outside,...Read the rest...
Categories: tyler, family
Form: Narrative
1-23-10 I Feel You On My Skin [r.I.P Jacob Tyler Schmidt ]
i can feel you on my skin your soothing me, your angel wings brushing my shoulder blades, your wiping my tears away, soothing my fears away, i feel your lips, just gently brushing mine, i can feel you on...Read the rest...
Categories: tyler,
Form: I do not know?
Liv Tyler
oh lady goodness bring back gweniveer to me stay a horse,patches...Read the rest...
Categories: tyler, art,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry