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Trifolium Poems - Poems about Trifolium

Trifolium Poems - Examples of all types of poems about trifolium to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for trifolium.

Premium Member Magical Magic Books
...I was born a feathery technicolor cloud- a sparkling shroud of shimmying neurons. A pen erected. A flashing sabre scissoring the blank, pasty face of a novel page, clean as cha......Read the rest...
Categories: trifolium, appreciation, culture, fantasy, magic,
Form: Free verse
Bonanza of shamrocks will soon blanket Green Acres
...Bonanza of shamrocks will soon blanket Green Acres... where Lassie free to run across petco junction All across the webbed wide esse Scott's landed wold emerald green Trifolium carpets harbor......Read the rest...
Categories: trifolium, adventure, appreciation, april, beautiful,
Form: Rhyme

Trifolium Pollinated Courtesy Bombus
...Trifolium pollinated courtesy bombus Before landscapers mow swaths across undulating waves of clover (the father/daughter team usually cut grass every Tuesday) bumblebees alight from one to an......Read the rest...
Categories: trifolium, 12th grade, appreciation, beautiful,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Shamrocks Blanket Green Acres
...All across the webbed wide esse Scott's wold emerald green Trifolium carpets harbor untold burrows of tiny Leprechauns clover (leaf) ways grant trifold wishes if captured might divulge pot of......Read the rest...
Categories: trifolium, adventure, blessing, cute, environment,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member I Am Like a Clover, White
...I am like a Clover, White, You are to think of me... Think of me as you go about your work Or in the house When you go on rambles Look for my special flower Pick one And hold it in the air ......Read the rest...
Categories: trifolium, flower,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things