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Transliterate Poems - Poems about Transliterate

Transliterate Poems - Examples of all types of poems about transliterate to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for transliterate.

Premium Member Bucky and Julian
...Buckminster Fuller and Julian Jaynes recently reviewed their cultural and scientific influence on health and well-being, ecological and economic positive outcomes, during the current CoOperat......Read the rest...
Categories: transliterate, health, humor, math, philosophy,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Genesis of Integrity
...Who died and made God the Father the Christian Fundamentalist Law of Cooperative Redemption? Well, dear, that was Jesus of Nazareth, your CoMessianic Avatar of regenerative health trends, reme......Read the rest...
Categories: transliterate, america, christian, creation, earth,
Form: Political Verse

Monstrosity - To Transliterate Fate
...Up in the old house down by the creek Stood a mammoth waiting on me. Blackbirds in the sunshine (are) Omens (that) fly high in the sky… Solemnly seizing Martin Luther’s time (of) Religion and pr......Read the rest...
Categories: transliterate, community, culture, faith, old,
Form: Ballad

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

To Transliterate Fate
...Blackbirds in the sunshine (are) Omens (that) fly high in the sky… Solemnly seizing Martin Luther’s time (of) Religion and precarious minds… White men personified lost their lives (without) Fea......Read the rest...
Categories: transliterate, bird, faith, god, image,
Form: Personification
Premium Member Bipartisan Dissonance
...When oppositional cognitive dissonance deflects focus from compassion, I've learned to go back to when I deflected focus from her. She sends me passive-aggressive messages, bread crumbs leading ......Read the rest...
Categories: transliterate, conflict, math, parents, political,
Form: Political Verse

Lost Love
...Once, I found a piece of paper in a parking lot in the snow, bright white, fresh, as if just dropped there by accident. It was a note addressed, “My love,” and nothing more. Either it ......Read the rest...
Categories: transliterate, love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things