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Transcended Poems - Poems about Transcended

Transcended Poems - Examples of all types of poems about transcended to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for transcended.
Ode to Hell
...Paranoia, hysteria the chatter off lips fills me up with ridicule curses off demon breath blown on me like a baptism by virgin blood but i etch triple sevens off sixes hit the jackpot off ......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, faith, love, mental health,
Form: Free verse
Her ineffable iridescence transcended my trepidations
...Her ineffable iridescence transcended my trepidations. Her scintillating semblance was a hammer to the heart on my sleeve. Shattering my shamefulness and unlocking my ululations, But now I am bere......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, 12th grade, depression, emotions,
Form: Free verse

...A certain surge A journey unseen Embracing response Need and Desire Write on Moment was right Didn’t understand what was happening Inspiration expelled like an electrical charge throughout my ......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, adventure, america, care, character,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Ineffable bliss
...Involuntary spasms of bliss delight, though the norm, always takes us by surprise, so sudden the surge by day and by night, rapture sublime mind cannot weigh or size, teleporting our presence to ......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, joy, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme Royal
... In the realm of human desire, not all wishes are granted. A soul worn weary need not succumb to desperation's weight, But rather, find solace in stillness, and await the divine hand. When turm......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, together, true love, truth,
Form: Lyric

... Magnifying the Lord  in language transcended rising to heaven a thank offering- Christ my shepherd Christ my light Christ my peace love peals aloud healing for the broken-hearted lib......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, christian, christmas,
Form: Verse
Always love over pain
... A heart once full, now broken lies, From the one who held it, with loving eyes. The pain they caused, a wound so deep, Yet still, love remained, in endless sleep. The memories linger, of joy ......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, break up, courage, forgiveness,
Form: Free verse
...In a world of screens and endless space Two hearts collided, a love took its place Among the likes and shares, they found a spark A connection that ignited, a love left its mark With filters an......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, age, angel, bird, black
Form: Free verse
Premium Member divine madness
... stirred and utterly shaken I used to find my olive friend in a bottle of madness always tried to be a seeker yet was under the illusion that this time it would be different from an outcome o......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, adventure,
Form: Free verse
Luminescent Sky
...Heaven’s beauty is shown with a vivid diamond night sky. A sky for guessing, for wondering, for wishing. Black as shadows on a sunny day, lit up with an uncountable number of flickering candles se......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, beauty, heaven, imagination, light,
Form: Free verse
...Amidst turmoil, you're peace While in pain, I seek comfort in your arms Amidst hatred, you're the only true love Why do I still have to bear the long wait? Amidst illusion, you're reality ......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, appreciation, devotion, emotions, i
Form: Other
Premium Member Koilon
...Blavatsky said space is God but pause we her give a nod, consider: where is God not? Contemplate thus, be self-taught. Wisdom Leadbeater affirmed and Annie Besant confirmed; koilon: a term c......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, mystery, space, spiritual,
Form: Jueju
Premium Member The Person I Used Be
... In the live network of intricate design, layer on layer my mind was stratified. Within the strata of innate awareness aligned, many divergent motifs got unified. Many attributes of sole disti......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, analogy, me,
Form: Free verse
On the Roof of River
...The wings finally untied The broken feathers laid on bushes Turned into ashes The memory of lame rests no more On the store of the brain-game New Breeze has leased The opportunities to be cease......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, autumn, beauty, celebration, forgiveness,
Form: Free verse
Robert Sherriff Military Robotics
...Robert Sherriff 08/07/1954 - Australian - Poet -Author - Singer - Actor - American Historian – Photographer The Rising Tide of Cyber Warfare and Military Robotics Robotics - Ex-Machina In the e......Read the rest...
Categories: transcended, crazy, cry, earth, eulogy,
Form: Elegy

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