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Trains Poems - Poems about Trains

Trains Poems - Examples of all types of poems about trains to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for trains.
Gateway to past regrets
I thought that I had matured enought to have the strenght within me To look and accept reality I thought I could look into the eyes of past and accept that it has passed Old camera i haven’t...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, anger, grief, i am,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member goodbye in their eyes
goodbye in their eyes while waiting to catch a train, oftentimes he sat alone at the depot —afraid—scratching initials in the dirt and sometimes in his head. hours became a collision of minutes while he watched make-believe dancers, well-groomed gentlemen, and worn-out...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, lonely, rain, sad,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Night trains' theatre
Night trains' theatre Saturday to Sunday, after midnight going home, the restaurant closed Walk to the station, get on Bond Street, the train works, takes me home, Change at Baker Street from Jubilee line to Metropolitan line,...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, life, night,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Night trains
Night trains People in the night and the daytime, just traveling, silent lives No one talks, someone is reading a book, and others are playing on phones Still others are engrossed in the daily news. Interesting community. Friendship Every...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, fate, fear, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hobo Tales
There once was a hobo that lived by the tracks Never ate a full meal, just ate lots of snacks He rode in a boxcar most everywhere he went And traveled for free, didn’t spend a cent He had...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, adventure, corruption, magic, people,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Bullet trains and battered walls
Hearts such as mine such as yours should never travel on bullet trains. though the trip allowed but a few hours was never scheduled, never ours w' nowhere to go but forward into a dark unknown. not one to complain...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, heart, time, travel,
Form: Free verse
Nigel and Me
Nigel likes to talk about planes And trains and motorbikes. He has a few friends Who like the same. I say to him: "Why does the piston go up and down?" He tells me, But I don't really understand. I go back...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, car, passion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Thabnkful For Trains
May we be blessed to acknowledge all the wonders in our life that have, for us, thus far accrued… and to begin each day with a word of thanks… and thoughts of gratitude. Today I’m thankful for trains and the...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, thanks,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Bridge of No Sighs
Coming down to this lost pier Under the bridge of no sighs The bollards not used, no boats moor here Back and forth on the river they ply Carrying tourists, and locals as well To destinations unknown I do...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, feelings, lost,
Form: Rhyme
It’s a boy thing the clickety-clack, clickety-clack of a train along its tracks all manner of boys from diapered toddler to arthritic codger from suited gent to aproned chef the clickety-clack, clickety-clack ignites within them the feeling of freedom and...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, father son,
Form: Prose Poetry
Thought Trains
I wish I had a few ending words to complete a compelling story with. Maybe a poem with end lines that actually end, but then those kind of ending might die too soon. That’s how a poem should be, no defined beginnings and...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, poetry,
Form: Free verse
What Is Happening
What Is Happening? Yes, the little Genie asked What is happening? Children aren’t being taught To tell time, They can’t look at the clock and Know whether it’s one o’clock Or it’s 10 o’clock Who is teaching the children? Yes, the little Genie asked What...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, art, baseball, books, flower,
Form: Prose Poetry
Every night, the train's melody unfolds Its resonant hum, a whispered cosmic sigh In the depths of sleep, its secrets it holds Time and existence converge as it passes by Revealing the symphony of life's...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, angst, beauty, farewell, journey,
Form: Terzanelle
Trains That the Words Forgot
Steam and smoke trains, dont fume anymore,lying like dead corpses or spare parts of what once was called the golden age;; If they would fume, it would only be a plaintive sigh, about their desolate demise;...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, age, nostalgia,
Form: Prose
The Trains of Cunning
The trains of cunning Two men in a vast field of grain waited for the trains to meet on a one-track railway line, one a mathematician had worked out where the train would meet the other was a...Read the rest...
Categories: trains, blessing, confidence, hate,
Form: Imagism

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