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Tract Poems - Poems about Tract

Ciprofloxacin Hcl 500 Mg Remedied Urinary Tract Infection
CIPROFLOXACIN HCL 500 MG remedied urinary tract infection No aversion nor embarrassment admitting, divulging, and jumpstarting poetic endeavor regarding yours truly afflicted, blighted, and contracted with urinary tract infection, (though condition finds me feeling pissed off), whereby urination fraught with painful burning, gouging, and stinging...Read the rest...
Categories: tract, 12th grade, america, angel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tract Attack
So I’ve got a little secret ‘bout evangelism “tracts”. See, they load us up each Sunday, and we all plan our attacks. Sometimes, we hear a sermon; sometimes,...Read the rest...
Categories: tract, gospel, humorous,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Mint Leaf Tract
In floral perfume, nectar gnawing bees who buzz and hum, honeypots abound as maple syrup magnets flit and taunt, garlands of magnolia upon the beechwood trellis, lavender’s light purple trail a mint leaf tract from Cape Verde to Southwest...Read the rest...
Categories: tract, adventure, art, beautiful, creation,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Narrative Tract
a multitude of pretexts the foretaste of argument: premise explored ignorance isolated then exchanged for understanding...Read the rest...
Categories: tract, education,
Form: Verse
Lord Wen Chang's Tract-Taoist Inspired Dramatic Monologue, Released Into Public Domain
The August Sage recounts, For the 17 past lives I have been a Scholar Official, I was neither imperious nor inhumane. I saved the distressed, aided the desperate, succored the orphaned and borne insolence with...Read the rest...
Categories: tract, blessing, devotion, forgiveness, religion,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

The Sound Tract of Our Lives
It rings so clear, so pure, so strong, the tempo fills us up.. This be our inspiration, to be morally sound and just.. Early on, we learn the power of the music that we hear.. And carry it...Read the rest...
Categories: tract, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
the stage, the cage lick your finger turn the page her touch is sharp despite her age and even now with water red even now with nothing said my dear, you’re all the rage. the chair, the flare dim the blinds and kill the glare I’m...Read the rest...
Categories: tract, teen, hope,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry