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Towner Poems - Poems about Towner

Towner Poems - Examples of all types of poems about towner to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for towner.

Premium Member I am Confused at First
...Why do you do so much extra? I stared at the man, not understanding You did this, that, this, that, and this…he said I continue to be confused. People don’t do all this extra stuff for other peop......Read the rest...
Categories: towner, me,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member my buffalo
...(a holiday vignette) I’m taking a chunk of my holi-days to work on my thesis (So is Lisa). Without classes we can fully devote our minds to them. My senior thesis hangs over me, I can’t ......Read the rest...
Categories: towner, fashion, holiday, humor, new
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Pisces Overlook
...fateful misgivings milineal mourns bashful boomer acquisitions aquatic out of towner wonderlust waterfaller......Read the rest...
Categories: towner, beautiful, care, celebration, engagement,
Form: Tanka

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Mr Electric Blue Spider
...Who is he? They were asking in Montana, Bandicoot. It was Mr. Electric Blue spider, and he was a beaut. He kept creeping along, pretending he did not understand. Besides, he was on his way to hea......Read the rest...
Categories: towner, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Simple Slice of Pie
...My granddaughter loves this restaurant and was looking forward to certain foods. A simple slice of pie will do. It’s on the menu - see me point. A ghost restaurant - where’s......Read the rest...
Categories: towner, food,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member Out-Of-Towner
...chartreuse chassis of my rental car — relative glare 8/6/2021 A Brian Strand 1,2 or 3 line......Read the rest...
Categories: towner, color, travel,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Doink
...Doink! *A text knocks at my phone and I fish for it in my backpack purse* Looking at the name, “Oh, yeah,” I think, “THAT’S not going to happen.” But I am, for a moment, pulled back in......Read the rest...
Categories: towner, 12th grade, growing up,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Blizzard
...“Blizzard” Thundering down the valleys Tearing across the plains Ten thousand steel horses Their nostrils spitting steam Bodies tense with anger The bastard Boreas Coming to cla......Read the rest...
Categories: towner, natural disasters, snow, wind,
Form: Free verse
The Orphers' Inferno
...Two true taboo nocturnal friends Bedeviling the vernal places; Un-men unto un-town's undead ends, Under wrinks in mansworld's faces; Take care me boys, wear Wolfrat clothes - Make sure you're......Read the rest...
Categories: towner, city, environment, friendship, irony,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Second Time a Charm
...second time a charm and a while between visits — i was her out-of-towner grand. sweet Grandma, even the sound of her lovely voice — from Northwestern New York. <>...Read the rest...
Categories: towner, grandmother, , western,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Pilgrims Trekking
...A tiny hamlet tucked away midst the mountains of New Hampshire A chill in the air; frost on the windowpane, icicle-framed A fresh snow blanketing the ground; the silence of the holiday broken ......Read the rest...
Categories: towner, america, blessing, christian, prayer,
Form: Free verse
The Infection
...Different moods, Different tunes For guys different females For women different dudes Certain environments and multi-foods Can cause the infection of a bad or a good mood Unusual vibes, certain bribe......Read the rest...
Categories: towner, introspection, life,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry