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Thwacking Poems - Poems about Thwacking

Thwacking Poems - Examples of all types of poems about thwacking to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for thwacking.

While attempting going to sleep after midnight
...While attempting going to sleep after midnight... December 27th, 2023, the missus pounded mine posterior (she played paddywhack on me blimey buttucks) not only causing contusion, but flayin......Read the rest...
Categories: thwacking, blue, cry, father, games,
Form: Free verse
The Missus Pounded Mine Posterior
...The missus pounded mine posterior... causing percussive rumpus to vibrate like jelly Me experienced quite disruptive sleep (quite early in the morning of November 10th 2022 - no shut eye co......Read the rest...
Categories: thwacking, abuse, anger, blue, fun,
Form: Free verse

Inapropos Trois Faux Pas Jokingly Blurted Out
...Inapropos trois faux pas jokingly blurted out... yesterday August 30th, 2022. The following fictitious account predicated upon words spilling out me mouth before taking time to think through......Read the rest...
Categories: thwacking, adventure, august, fate, funny
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Run Away Cauldron
...Long ago before the High Fae before man, there was a Cauldron They say all the magic was contained inside it since the world began One day it fell in the wrong hands and great horrible things wer......Read the rest...
Categories: thwacking, mystery,
Form: Free verse
The Missus Pounded Mine Posterior
...The missus pounded mine posterior... causing percussive rumpus Meanwhile good n plenty vibrations resonated felt and heard round the world wide web (strongest quaking sensations occurred upon ......Read the rest...
Categories: thwacking, abuse, adventure, grief, humorous,
Form: Free verse

Self Mutilation
...literary food for thought. Self Mutilation: (ah bet thar iz an app for that!) within unlit partial "FAKE abattoir" sans wardrobe alcove where dust bunnies didst allures completing a......Read the rest...
Categories: thwacking, 10th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry