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Terminology Poems - Poems about Terminology

Terminology Poems - Examples of all types of poems about terminology to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for terminology.
Premium Member Colonisation
...Bombarded by myriads of daily data without cease, I suggest a forthright discourse on this topic, carousel of trend and sound adherence merely looming? some unwitting sentiment an aspirational d......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, august, courage, deep, freedom,
Form: Free verse
The Poetic Arts
... Terminology: Crystal booths in a nocturnal snow. significant downpours of shedding stars. This said, feel free to scatter, scrabble or mash. Words are fungible, many still believe that poe......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, poetry,
Form: Free verse

...Silent One cool art International poet Lasting very tall Elegant writes and poems Northerly very bright star Original kind Nimble night so shining star Enjoyable man Acrostic Tanka & Se......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, nice, poetry, poets,
Form: Tanka

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member video game terminology
...I want to kill my classmates she told me. You don’t mean that, I said. She shakes her head up and down. I would love it if they were slaughtered. I am surprised, she is an innocent looking six-yea......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, technology,
Form: Prose Poetry
The Bee Fields of Yesteryear
...Casting my mind back many a year To childhood days spent catching bees Those long gone memories do bring a tear Playing with friends in the summer breeze A simple jam jar, air holes pierced in ......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, adventure, beautiful, flower, nature,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Blue Angels, Black Sheep, Monitors and the House of Random Penguins
... “Blue Angels, Black Sheep, Monitors and The House of Random Penguins” The womb is scooped like an over ripe melon Time is the incorrigible felon, the forgotten lost gar......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, muse,
Form: Narrative
...Themed based takes the place of sponsorship strategies a consortium of things that angles on the possibilities Wrong choices selfish motives and disobedience are key points to began instruc......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, business, community, education, film,
Form: Bio
Pro- Am Denouement Or Resolution
...Using the need to convey and communicate. She spoke to those she reherst as they needed to communicate. the director had been ordered find words to convey and give meaning to the terminology use......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, bird, cat, music, song,
Form: Ballade
...We used to listen to the Radio Five minutes News on the hour Middle of the road voices Not too light or too dour. Now we have twenty four hour TV With accompanying twenty four news And a speci......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, humor, irony,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Warrior
... “Warrior” When the Argonauts, came across the abandoned Starship, they found within the wrecked command console, a DNA code with encrypted message. It took several a......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, humanity, muse, mystery,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Pickle Party
...Bread and Butter showed up first, thank God, with bread and butter (we hadn't any food out yet). They had flown in from Detroit on a real time-crunch. Then the Gherkins arrived Pushing thro......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, food,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Deepest Concerns
...Having discussed it with many elementary educators Critical Race Theory is NOT being taught in our schools C.R.T. is buzzword used by right-wing radical agitators Who are preaching ......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, children, education, perspective, political,
Form: Quatrain
Celestial Inner Rings
...By dint of a right in tatters impinging on terrestrial sight that urged me to worldly matters, I was struck with a parallel quite unforeseen, in a Hubble view which drew my fancy out of the bl......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, earth, humanity, poetry, rights,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Waiting
... “The Waiting” eyes close the new chapter picks us up we find ourselves lost in the poetic dream stranded in a desert a lifetime away from home we are in the wai......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, muse, mystery,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Filtered Words
...Stuck in a world of filtered words, groomed to embrace this terminology; Symbols and acronyms; Where does that leave a wild wordsmith ? Gazing at shallow eroded shores under stars no one can ......Read the rest...
Categories: terminology, emotions, feelings, humanity,
Form: Free verse

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