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Tennis Shoe Poems - Poems about Tennis Shoe

Tennis Shoe Poems - Examples of all types of poems about tennis shoe to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for tennis shoe.
Premium Member bison stepped on my foot today
...Brutish bison stepped on my left foot today Making me less merry, forcing me to delay It weighed a ton, so what could I do? I yelled “Get off of my tennis shoe!” Skittish bison got startled and......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, word play,
Form: Rhyme
Her Adamant Face
...Adamant Face My mother used to say with an adamant face, "There is a place for everything and for everything a place!” My goodness, this house is a total disgrace" So every Tuesday at quarter pa......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, childhood, family, fun, my
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I want a double pink desk
...When I go to school I want a double pink desk. This is what his girl talked about, her name was Tess. Jack wondered what double pink meant, but never knew. Tess never explained, and disappeared in......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, 3rd grade, 4th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member new bamboo tases like a tennis shoe
...Panda took a bite of the new bamboo It was fresh and green, but there was a goo What kind of crud is this? He asked sky of blue Sky laughed at his consternation, wouldn’t you? “This new bamboo ......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member I Want a Double Pink Desk
...When I go to school I want a double pink desk. This is what his girl talked about, her name was Tess. Jack wondered what double pink meant, but never knew. Tess never explained, and disappeared in......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I Stop Reading
...the imagery is there story line as blah as wallpaper paste wallpaper paste that has dripped on the floor been stepped on by a size nine Nike tennis shoe oozing off the bottom of it now I dive ......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, books,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Conversation With Weirdy Cat Guy
...A gargoyle fell off the top of the building and landed on my toe. I screamed like an injured bobcat, loud, long, hard, with a glow. The neighbors all came out and stared, but this was the city. Th......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, 3rd grade, 4th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Splash
...the other dubious tennis shoe dropped causing a splash heard round the world thunder crashed and lions came out of gladiator's mouths a wondrous feast in land of the lost......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, history,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member We Barely Speak Now
...We are identical twins believing in none of the same things as alike as a tennis shoe is to a tyrannosaurus rex’s jawbone We used to play and laugh We had a silent laugh that creeped out the re......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, 5th grade, family,
Form: Free verse
White Parachutes
...This past summer I had taken some time to begin reading a newly acquired book, and went to a nearby park to do so. Sometime thereafter I took a break from reading and noticed a gray mini-van pull in......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, appreciation, nostalgia, remember,
Form: Narrative
Things With Strings
...THINGS WITH STRINGS Spider's web, strings of stars, a weaver's loom, and old guitars. Balls of yarn, and DNA, string bikini, and crochet. Cats cradle, spools of thread, Tails on kites, and ......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, celebration, fun, humor, joy,
Form: List
Premium Member Tennis Shoes Paraded Through My Mind
...Tennis shoes paraded through my mind Taking me hostage and tying me up. With laces that seemed longer than most They were designed with neon colors Not one or two, but six or seven. They were ......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Halloween Witchcraft Magic
...Witch, warlock, goblin and vampire fine Wearing one slipper and one tennis shoe They all ran home at promptly half past nine. Fine goblins, ghosts, and ebony cats too. And a lively she devil ne......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, halloween,
Form: Terza Rima
A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To School
...A funny thing happened on the way to school, I swear I saw an alligator in Ms. Mary's pool. I kept on walking but it looked at me hungry, quickly I threw to him my lunch money. Then in the tree......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, childhood, fun, funny, school,
Form: Rhyme
...It leads back to the day... When the formula of perfection was mastered within the voices of five silhouettes... Jina, Tara Shannon, Trena and lastly... Tiffany. The last that entered this famil......Read the rest...
Categories: tennis shoe, blessing, childhood, dedication, family,
Form: Light Verse

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