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Tendrils Poems - Poems about Tendrils

Tendrils Poems - Examples of all types of poems about tendrils to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for tendrils.
The Tendrils of Evil
Shadows linger like tendrils in my mind Nobody escapes the fingers of death Rooted in your soul, planted in your being Seeing is not always believing, it's deceiving Captured like a picture, photo of the truth Manipulated into reality...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, dark, deep,
Form: Rhyme
The Tendrils in Me
I fall into darkness, This reveals my weakness. A door opens within me, And I encounter a turbulent sea. I’m alone in my room, There’s a pervasive gloom. A...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, emotions, me,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member Tendrils of Hope
I have always envisioned hope as feathers, thanks to a favorite poet, but as time goes on and life flies by I realize that for me, hope has tendrils As layers of life accumulate, tendrils of hope climb and grow when...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, christian, hope,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Tender Tendrils
The tender tendrils spiralling in growth round the stake The grapevine so weak in structure Yet the fruit juices makes the weakest of men the most valiant...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, fruit, wine,
Form: Free verse
Zephyr's Silky Tendrils
Curling around the house, the breeze was unfurling, moving dead leaves in its twirling fingers, apparently satisfied with whirling The dance lured the lovers to come out and romance under the willow's shadowed trance, soft whispers of the breeze inspired their love's warm glance Showers gently fall on them, even...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, romance, sweet love, wind,
Form: Verse

Oh Moons Tendrils
that snake by half dipped clouds where cold holds its stance to feel winds tasting treats In blue black hues oil slick caught swirls those ashen veins that hide between her slipping glance and dainty stars clamour for her might...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tendrils
~~~~Tendrils~~~~ As the plush, white flowering bushes grow, I feel your arms, like the tendrils, they, crawling stealthily  All over my awaiting body. Overcome, with the scent of you, pressing,oh so gently and yet, I choose your intoxicating self...... Like the...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, for him, love, memory,
Form: Rhyme
Romance of Tendrils
Bubbling up the tendrils of the inflamable cups Filled to the brim with the dense brown odour Of the maddeningly reddening valentine tulips Surrender your sonnet to the unbending burglar Romantic Charm in four lines - Poetry Contest Sponsored...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, love, romance,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Angelic Tendrils
Angelic Tendrils by Darren White and Jason Williams (bothboos) Temporarily posted on my acount, so I can add audio to it as well as a picture, as soon as our collaboration account is premium, I'll remove...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, beauty, boyfriend, emotions, heart,
Form: Free verse
Angelic Tendrils
Angelic Tendrils by Darren White and Jason Williams (bothboos) Angelic tendrils cascade over his twinkling eyes His lightning green reflect my amazement He catches my gaze and mimics my wonder Twinkling resonating in my inner being Angelic tendrils dancing with his...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, for him, love, men,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Winding My Tendrils
Can you recall seeing me, on a country...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, beautiful,
Form: Personification
Black Tendrils
The surf rattled its applause on a stony shore White gulls swirled high over a black stone tower The clouds ripped across the sky, the wind sang its song Before the morning hour, a woman walked alone The cold wind blew around her...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, sad, sorrow,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Like Creeping Tendrils
My poems are like creeping vines that I have planted well, I tend them in my garden of evergreen poetry to be strong; They are waiting quietly to release their swirling spiral tendrils, Tendrils that will adhere and...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, poetry, success, words, writing,
Form: Verse
Tendrils of Hope
Refusing to succumb, to the alluring haze of self-pity, I refuse to wallow, in an ocean of regret, I choose to banish thoughts of despair, dispelling pain, while tempting joy to emerge from its shielded lair. I shall sow the seeds...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, hope, introspection, journey, life,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Tendrils of the Heart
A man I met once said to me, “Love does not fall down from the trees” A common expression from these parts When you search with your mind, and not with your heart. Love should be sought with the...Read the rest...
Categories: tendrils, imagination, inspirational, introspection, love,
Form: Rhyme

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