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Tending Poems - Poems about Tending

Premium Member Tending a Garden
Unexpected blooms leap to the gardener's eyes. Planned ones wait their turn....Read the rest...
Categories: tending, flower, garden, spring, summer,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Tending To Our Garden
A Rose that’s planted in the rocky earth that, from the summer sun, is parched and dry, will seldom bloom to its full beauty’s worth and soon will sadly whither up and die. A Rose that’s planted ‘mongst the...Read the rest...
Categories: tending, love, metaphor, rose,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member In Tending - - - Time
th'oughts...such as if's and's or maybe's are the...yes/no's bull buts that fertilize growth in/of...concepts soil gardens in/from which realities internal reflections within the temporary spinnings of...times space-current eddy-effects of the unseen natural 'mechanics' of cause that is known to us only as the...probability of change...Read the rest...
Categories: tending, analogy, change, meaningful, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tending Mother's Day
Mother's Day Roses I gave Who tends your grave but I...Read the rest...
Categories: tending, angel, care, happy, heaven,
Form: Questionku
Premium Member Tending One's Soul
Just by amassing a plethora of material goods in life without tending his spiritual needs one can never succeed in enriching his soul ! © Demetrios Trifiatis 15 February 2014...Read the rest...
Categories: tending, introspection, wisdom,
Form: Epigram

Tending Flowers
I tend the flowers I keep even in winter's chilly sleep bulbs well protected from the winds of the north anxious to burst and blossom forth and bloom radiant displays thru winter ice and cold arrays. A...Read the rest...
Categories: tending, birth, child, flower,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Tending the Flames
Sparks white-hot nestled in embers Your eyes curtain-off the flames Ice cold as late-December Turn up the heat to play your games Push me harder for rent, honey Your heart, I thought a home To a skeleton, everywhere is sunny And today...Read the rest...
Categories: tending, break up, divorce, fire,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member A Watered Garden
A Watered Garden In the wonderful “Gospel” of Isaiah in the testaments that were written of old God spoke of His living water which is more precious to Him than pure gold. Our soul can be as a watered garden you...Read the rest...
Categories: tending, truth, visionary,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tending Tapestry's Tenter
Tending Tapestry’s Tenter Resilience reticent reverberations receding revelations roaming Resolving residual revolutions resentment reset reposing rest Puzzling perceptions poet’s perspective Peace Agency anticipation an arrays’ arrangement alive assorted aims Antipode’s adjoining assiduous adaptations anchoured attached Wily words wildly withheld with watchman’s...Read the rest...
Categories: tending, allusion,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Tending a Flower
Foregone is my freedom My future and it's conclusion My most detached relationship To myself now subject To scathing privately In installments with you. Now I confided “He tends a garden” How was I to express Without existential anguish This irrational leap of faith? Subjugated or...Read the rest...
Categories: tending, caregiving, romantic, trust,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Tending To My Garden
Last night, in a most ***** dream, I saw my garden Never as I would have dared imagine it It was alive, breathing and was the place where there was a great happening A party, yes, a party,...Read the rest...
Categories: tending, environment, fairy, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member On Tending the Great Ancestral Fires
ON TENDING THE GREAT ANCESTRAL FIRES Here lies the residue Of an old fire Long gone Dry—Ashes Left to the whelms Of raindrops to dampen Into a useless mush— Or for the wind to blow Aimlessly to nowhere; Wet and immobile Or blowing dry in...Read the rest...
Categories: tending, allegory, analogy, black african
Form: Prose Poetry
Tending Children
Grins Happy Spirited Children playing, Their soul will enliven as my heart smiles. But a child crying with a sad-face frown, Shatters my joy. Dreadfully. Until Grins © July 22, 2011 Dane Smith-Johnsen Written for Poetry Soup Member Contest: "Smiles and Frowns Sponsored by: Michael J....Read the rest...
Categories: tending, caregiving, happiness, sad
Form: Tetractys
Premium Member Tending My Garden
Dear God you gave me Eden With a wealth of flower seeds; But when you planned my garden Why did you add the weeds? Was it to keep me grounded And down upon my knees? A time to count my blessings Ignore...Read the rest...
Categories: tending, faithme,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Reflection on the Important Things