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Swipe Poems - Poems about Swipe

Swipe Poems - Examples of all types of poems about swipe to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for swipe.
Digital Whispers
...Truth drowns in pixels, one click at a time While falsehoods spread faster than summer wildfire We scroll and we swipe, consuming the lies Each share button pressed makes deception rise higher Th......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, culture, humanity, poems, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Dived Into The Cauldron Of Magic Potion And
...Catapulted into seething temperatures beyond the imagination risking excitement in escapades that may seem inane, potential hazard weighted against predicament predestined, at some future stage I......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, adventure, character, courage, endurance,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Letter to DOGE
...Dear Elon, Keep up the good work, you’re the man! It’s so fun watching you and Donny drain the swamp. Give my best to the big fella and tell him thanks for fixing the border invasion. Amazing ......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, humorous,
Form: Prose

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member circles and catcalls
...I’m standing in the common room, turning in circles. I’ve so many things to do, all at once, I can’t figure out which way to jump. A time management problem, I suppose, maybe I should have taken that......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, class, friend, friendship, humor,
Form: Free verse
In Love with Them
...Like two flowers dancing in symphony with the wind that cradles their feelings they move about untouched. Unaffected by the wisdom, deceit and judgement of a world that......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, love,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Error 404: Freedom Not Found
...Beneath the banner "FREE TO CHOOSE," algorithms hum what thoughts to lose— a labyrinth of tailored streets where every turn pretends it’s mete. The app says "yes" but limits "no"......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, freedom, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Disconnection Notice
...I scroll through the reels of my memories Your pixelated smile flickers, haunting the glow of my screen I swipe again, hoping to find you, But you're just a shadow in the light—a ghost I can......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, break up, heartbreak,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member An Elegy for TikTok: My Battery is Low and it’s Getting Dark
... I close my eyes, and the FYP still flickers. A faint grid overlays my internal vision: profile icons, captions crawling sideways, the heart button pulses in phantom rhythm. Swipe— ......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, appreciation, community,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Recognition
...“Mistaken that I was this body-mind, I succumbed to desire and fell to fear but on choosing pathways loving and kind, light of God in heart began to appear and truth of my true essence became cle......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, conflict, god, light, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Greet 2025
...As one more year is fading out and time swiftly flies like a speeding bird, I wish all my friends a New Year of Health, Happiness and all blessings of God! As the midnight bells sweetl......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, celebration, dream, good morning,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Laura Norder 2 - New Balls Please
...Laura Norder took her gun and strapped it to her thigh The skirt she wore was so damned short she had to strap it high And stood there on the corner where the street lamps dare not tread She waite......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, courage,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member non-mechanical
...Love is non-mechanical it doesn’t crank, pinion or always work dependably. In cavalier moments, I thought I knew something of how it all works— it’s apertures and shafts— its grinds and recip......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, analogy, god, love, work,
Form: Free verse
Twas the night before Christmas
...Twas the night before Christmas, all snug in my bed, With visions of sugarplums dancing in my head. But little did I know, a surprise was in store, As my cat, Mr. Whiskers, knocked over the ......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, animal, cat, christmas, imagination,
Form: Rhyme
Last Night
...Last night i accidentally confessed to my friend I didn’t even know i did it until he started to apologize and tell me i deserved better “I wish i could give you what you deserve.” Is what he sai......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, 10th grade, angst, boyfriend,
Form: Free verse
...On the sport’s field we started to set up to play cricket but the ground was hard and the stumps would not go in. So my mate used the cricket bat to hammer them home. The game’s master wa......Read the rest...
Categories: swipe, anger, school, violence,
Form: Blank verse

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