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Suppressors Poems - Poems about Suppressors

Suppressors Poems - Examples of all types of poems about suppressors to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for suppressors.

The Battered Wife
...I cannot go backwards. I can’t believe in the deception You impersonate so well Smell of flowers Plucked in hell Hugs and kisses when lights are on Yells and broken walls When we are all alon......Read the rest...
Categories: suppressors, abuse, courage, husband, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Identity Crisis
...He says he saw "(this nation's) Identity sold and robbed by immigration..." And I remember My first day teaching at the border school First one there that August morning Cows were grazing on the......Read the rest...
Categories: suppressors, america, immigration, patriotic,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Rule of Threes
...Health of a nation See the old and young station Your indication Breeze moves the tree leaves But turned to gusts the tree heaves The wise man perceives Things are a blessing Until fury op......Read the rest...
Categories: suppressors, muse,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Family Health Assessment
...I have watched my youngest son while nurses give him baths using diverse models of health optimization ranging from PositivEnergy Promotion, restorative ego-eco I-Thou therapies, to lower, not......Read the rest...
Categories: suppressors, earth, education, health, humor,
Form: Political Verse
...One would think that the feeling of being a slave would create understanding One would think that racism would die off and cease to overtake our surrounding Equality has become but a faint memory b......Read the rest...
Categories: suppressors, life, poems, prison, psychological,
Form: Rhyme

...Waiting waitng...... For the all-mighty godot godot godot.....I ask myself Where are you? I have searched the tempestuous seas I have toiled the arid desert All to no avail I have d......Read the rest...
Categories: suppressors, anger
Form: Didactic
An Emperor's Gift To His Son (The Story of the Root of All Evil)
...There once was an emperor who had a son a son who would need to learn lessons in mastermining to govern the world thus he gave his son a gift the lottery By doing proper math, formulating te......Read the rest...
Categories: suppressors, funeral, happiness, historylife, son,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry