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Suicidal Poems - Poems about Suicidal

Suicidal Poems - Examples of all types of poems about suicidal to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for suicidal.
Premium Member My Total Pain
Poems request that I be authentic. I am unsure my pen can take it. I live life as an emotional sayer, but should I now reveal each layer my blood will spill upon this paper. I have sought to give...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, angst, deep, depression, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Suicidal Hardship
My government Has not approved Helping the poor. Going down town Ancient food chain Menu price up. Market items Rotting all eyes Left empty hands. My eyes eating Paint hamburger Cramps my belly....Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, life, political, prejudice, social,
Form: Than-Bauk

I’ll be gone this summer
I’ll be gone this summer. It’s just a fact of life. One day when the moon settles into the heavens and the hazy heat loses its grip on the day, I’ll walk to the woods and never emerge. I’ll become one...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, death, depression, meaningful, mental
Form: Free verse
In my fantasies I would be surrounded by friends who cared In my fantasies I would be friends with those who won’t leave In my fantasies I would belong everywhere, In my fantasies I wouldn’t be betrayed In...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, 9th grade, anxiety, betrayal,
Form: Free verse
The Silence
I'm sick of the silence I’m sick of the distance I’m sick of hiding I’m sick of being someone i’m not I’m sick of trying too hard just to fall short I’m sick of the lies, the lies that keep...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, 9th grade, betrayal, deep,
Form: Free verse

I breathe hurt What if all those rumors were true? The rumors that shipping two young people together only made it true? What if those rumors were so true that I tried so hard to make things work...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, 9th grade, boyfriend, break
Form: Free verse
What it feels to a suicidal?
I always had this sense of pity for those thinking of ending their lives, Those unemployed, struggling youths & those who left this world before their wives. I always thought it is an act of...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, abuse, anxiety, depression, grave,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Demise of A sUiCiDaL MIND
This Existence should breathe simpler, uncluttered by tissues and fresh graves, nor haunted by restless spirits seeking shelter in sandcastles, overrun by storm-driven waves. Defining...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, death, introspection, mental health,
Form: Free verse
Abide in Me
In anger, I scream at the wall. In pain, onto my pillow I fall. I take it out on my bed, punching, my face turns red. I grab my razor out of despair, "nobody will see if I make the...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, bible, christian, encouraging, god,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Freedom Fighter
Jailed for the will to be jailed Kids shouldn’t play with fire But they do, and of course they fail In full conscious of mad desire What now, will you write a sequel To Servantes’s Don Quixote Lots of tyres...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Giving In
The rainbow comes after the storm they say But my storms are ever lasting And my rainbows short-lived. I don't want to know how much I mean to the world, When the world means nothing to me. This constant...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, depression, emo, emotions, feelings,
Form: Free verse
I Just Needed To Get This Out
Regret has become a vindictive old friend We’ll go hand and hand until my cold bitter end And as hard as I try to fake and pretend These holes in my heart I’ll never fully mend All these men They...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, abuse, corruption, depression, grief,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Suicidal Silence
Suicide ideation is painful ~ I am not here to judge you ...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, suicide,
Form: Monoku
Why Am I Here
The depression is strong Sometimes I wonder why I was even born I’m nothing but a stressor in most people life I make one mistake after another in life I keep thinking I found love just to have my heart ripped out...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, anxiety, depression, emotions, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Suicidal Tendencies'
That voice in your ear It's mostly fear Starts as a whisper Faintly and gently Eases you towards that rope and chair It will take away the pain you feel so deeply Maybe I should They all keep leaving me A knife...Read the rest...
Categories: suicidal, deep,
Form: Rhyme

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