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Sudbury Poems - Poems about Sudbury

Sudbury Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sudbury to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sudbury.

Greater Poem
I come to you from Greater Sudbury. The mayor Bigger too. We offer you a greater pleasure. Our natter greater through. We're all about a greater mission. The hope is greater too. We'll look for you as greater tourists. The pamphlets greatest...Read the rest...
Categories: sudbury, analogy, character, city, community,
Form: Quatrain
Sudbury the Rock
Poem about Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Sudbury The Rock Black and crusty surfaces Loafing in the sun...Read the rest...
Categories: sudbury, beautiful, beauty, creation, culture,
Form: Haiku

Sudbury Children
Poem about Sudbury, Ontario, Canada The bush out back where children play. some trees, some rocks. A love to say. The house out front. It's porch cement. The dog tied up. His dropping pent. Your parents home where light is warm. You come in late, despite alarm....Read the rest...
Categories: sudbury, appreciation, beauty, blessing, child,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Sudbury Bars
Poem about Sudbury, Ontario, Canada There are some behind bars serving drinks for their time, that there's more in this city than the world we can chime. They're the place you met Linda. The place you played pool. They're the waitress who...Read the rest...
Categories: sudbury, appreciation, culture, dedication, drink,
Form: Quatrain
A poem about Sudbury, Ontario, Canada A bush to a rock opens a center of soil that our roots are here....Read the rest...
Categories: sudbury, appreciation, beautiful, blessing, character,
Form: Haiku

Sudbury Circles
300 circles of Sudbury lakes looping and winding in all different makes. Rising and falling as crust on a bread, to cooling and stalling when yeast's at a head. Coming in swells of white bubbled zest, to finally receding that...Read the rest...
Categories: sudbury, nature, passion, places,
Form: Couplet
Sudbury Noodles
If people were noodles and lakes were their soup, Sudbury's basin would be a great scoop. 300 lakes or just a bit more. Some have been counting and some are just bored. Sudbury's water is healthy and clean leaving our...Read the rest...
Categories: sudbury, adventure, imagination, nature, nostalgia,
Form: Couplet

Book: Reflection on the Important Things