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Subsidies Poems - Poems about Subsidies

Subsidies Poems - Examples of all types of poems about subsidies to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for subsidies.
Premium Member American Word Games
...They call it social welfare when it is for the poor To help the ones who have grown old or sick and have no cure They scream they don’t want taxes and the richest scream the most But it ......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, political, words,
Form: Rhyme
...Tell them we are working hard They will soon afford to buy rice Show them our graphic evidence Of rice pyramids. We are self-sufficient. When they complain of hardship Give them rice! When ......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, betrayal, corruption, humanity, leadership,
Form: Free verse

The Renewed Hope Agenda
...Government voodoo policies that fan the fangs of poverty to forecast economic growth Are yet unimaginable Like one should go to hell to burn And be there to dream of heaven Is the government......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, corruption, hope, integrity, leadership,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member EV shock therapy
... I went to my car dealer, I hoped to save the planet The saleslady told me EVs were cheap, and to call her Janet She said we've got so many subsidies, and they're a great deal I bought a F-150 Li......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, car, humor, natural disasters,
Form: Lyric
The Pond In Sight
...Rural people self-reliant vote red white and blue City dwellers vote dependent subsidies anew People with space are free to think harbingers of truth Leading the way the pond in sig......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, freedom,
Form: Rhyme

Business and Politics
...A hard headed businessman or woman, Will always find politics hard. Even with a wallet that is fat, Without his or her chain of command, Unless he or she is used to wearing more than one hat, Un......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, age, analogy, appreciation, baptism,
Form: Political Verse
The Journey of My Land
...I know all, Even when I was not born; My teacher told me more, On the journey of my Land First day of October, Yes! My teacher said it's 1960; Till then, We were not matured to own our land.......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, independence day,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Salt Poem
...He was a salty old guy, a farmer for years. He had a tractor, a trailer, a cow with big ears. His wife was the salt of the earth, a woman with thighs. That could crush a combine; they had their lo......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, farm,
Form: Rhyme
Your Professors Are Lying To Youe - Iii
...III. Then there is their favorite target, the faceless foe they call ‘the rich,’ who they claim keep everyone down, the academics so love to . They sat they get rich off our backs, but they’re ......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, art, corruption, education, how
Form: Rhyme
Musical Shed
...By day the quarrymen The music band understand 6 long month's they must wait till their next recording session They won't play the ashes all summer In the winter garden With the shed at th......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, music,
Form: Free verse
2 B Loved Hate Myself In the Morning Doing the Walk of Shame
...2 Be, Is not be loved In state of bare undressed Neither is a cuddle Nor soiled underwear opon bedroom flooring After sexual contact after the fact If all that's left is circumspect......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, slam,
Form: Free verse
Gods Anger Not Just the Church
...If I was God I'd be angry with the world I tried to teach the Romans Christianity Instead, the Romans taught the world how to build empires The Roman taught the world how to take over count......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, inspiration, international,
Form: Narrative
Governments Can'T Run Companies
...Why can't Governments run companies perhaps it's because you have to much power Companies need to able to stand alone they live and die based on their profit We've all watch on as people step i......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, inspiration, international,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Sundown Moonrise Summer Heat
...warm, warm and sunny a scorching temperature snaps whilst waiting for ~ the auburn sunset the blazing heat subsidies now sun has settled now ~ so close it is wow I see the moon r......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, adventure, engagement, environment, moon,
Form: Haiku
Poor Stewards
... Cardboard box compassion, canned love with a cadaver expiration date Sub-contract the morgue delivery, charge a mob fee that’s double the going vig rate Profit from scapegoating the po......Read the rest...
Categories: subsidies, discrimination, poverty, society, truth,
Form: Narrative

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry