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Subscriber Poems - Poems about Subscriber

Subscriber Poems - Examples of all types of poems about subscriber to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for subscriber.

Premium Member Changed Life
...CHANGED LIFE Just by chance once I got acquainted with a Bengali Writer and Novelist in a festival. I had special admiration about his writings ......Read the rest...
Categories: subscriber, appreciation, memory,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Wordle Bot
...I used to like the Wordle bot, But Times subscriber I am not. They stuck the bot behind a wall; I hit max reads, and that is all. Suppose that is the way of things: Start out for free, see who......Read the rest...
Categories: subscriber, silly,
Form: Quatrain

...Built with the measurement of The Alive For those once here but no longer thrive; One J saw for a dog that didn’t ask for interment And it was some lavish entertainment! In the past, bamboos st......Read the rest...
Categories: subscriber, absence, bereavement, death, grief,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Old People Magazine Please
...I used to love People Magazine Which may be why I am still getting it Delivered to my house thirty years later I stare at the strangers on the cover Flip through pages about people I do not kno......Read the rest...
Categories: subscriber, age,
Form: Free verse
Delighting Subscriber
...L-ine O-f R-ighteousness E-mploys N-ame Z-estfully D-elighting S-ubscriber Topic: Birthday of Lorenz Ds (July 23) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: subscriber, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Verboten Netiquette
...Methinks I inadvertently got entangled without deliberate intent, sans whirled wide web, albeit courtesy of yours truly, who (flattered upon at least one maybe more'n one subscriber cli......Read the rest...
Categories: subscriber, appreciation, fate, friendship, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The News Seller
...Callum is an old-fashioned man on the verge of becoming history’s memory Ancient even in that he holds only one job but that is for privation of another Sort of a whiz kid at what he does and ......Read the rest...
Categories: subscriber, celebration,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Need For Love
...My need for love is never sated it's not dated but continuously present ever feeling always reeling from its demands it gets out of hand you can't possibly understand My need for love... ......Read the rest...
Categories: subscriber, how i feel, longing,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Behind the Sins one has the saddle over the wild horse by the name fate Jose as I had known him, had a life twisted by untamed forces gifted and talented, we were the best of buddies, our lives flagged together......Read the rest...
Categories: subscriber, best friend, friendship, growing
Form: Free verse
Thank You
...Thank you – Zamreen Zarook Thank you is a sweet word in the nature, You may be a guy of adventure, May be you are a person of agriculture, What matters is your architecture. Never forget the people......Read the rest...
Categories: subscriber, age, allah, courage, day,
Form: Rhyme
Her Beating Heart
...A heart so big She couldn’t help herself She’d give and she’d give Just couldn’t help herself Just couldn’t say no Never seen the reason why It never hurt to give It only hurt to be stolen from Toys ......Read the rest...
Categories: subscriber, caregiving, for her, heart,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry