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Struct Poems - Poems about Struct

Struct Poems - Examples of all types of poems about struct to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for struct.

Silicone and Silk
...What do you love ? I love what you think, about me ! I am struct of forbidden poetry code, oracle.peer.seed. To think, in neon l.e.d. wearing your avatar like a g-love 2 html...z ......Read the rest...
Categories: struct, art, birth, body,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member To and In the Nature of Awareness Grace
...TO AND IN THE NATURE OF AWARENESS GRACE A fall morning drive presents an interesting ride. Looking out into he roadside forest palisade, Eyes fall upon two age-old stoic trees still clothed I......Read the rest...
Categories: struct, allegory, hyperbole, imagery, life,
Form: Prose

Three Pillars of Prosperity
...The three pillars of pros- perity are peace forgive- ness and love. Why else would the olive branch have been brought back ......Read the rest...
Categories: struct, forgiveness, love, peace, strength,
Form: Concrete

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Let Me Tell You About Spring
...Oh She can be radiant In twirls of pink laced blossoms Head filled with her songs of the season Letting go at top volumn In daffodil thrills and Lady slippers. Spring is rather sassy Linger......Read the rest...
Categories: struct, nature, spring, winter, spring,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Spell Or Myth Or Just a Dream
...At an unusual time, I slept at 2 This is a real story... really true went into bed, not sick or tired and dreamt a dream so clear was on a train.. don't know how. was going where? can't remember now......Read the rest...
Categories: struct, confusion, fantasy, friendship, girlfriend-boyfriend,
Form: Free verse

One Ain'T Enough
...I first saw him and thought there`s something about him I love, his smile, his lips, or his touch. He is something I want very much. I glanced again as I slowy struct using what I have to make hi......Read the rest...
Categories: struct, hope, life, people, love,
Form: Lyric

Book: Reflection on the Important Things