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Stressors Poems - Poems about Stressors

Stressors Poems - Examples of all types of poems about stressors to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for stressors.
Magic Strom
...Verse: (32 bars) Yo, listen up I'm bout to set your mind free, with a rhyme spree Gravity heavy, pull you in, let my mind bleed Expressive poetry, purposeful wisdom in my arsenal Multiverse theori......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, body, crush, friendship, good
Form: Free verse
Ebb and Flow II
...Every morning when we wake, There’s no way for us to know Which direction we will take Or how the day will ebb and flow. Maybe someone’s feeling sick Or possibly, the car won’t start. Stresso......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, life,
Form: Rhyme

Cloudy Weather
...I've walked miles in the rain & have stayed dry because of my faith It sheltered me throughout the downpours making me immune to the wetness I commune with the stressors the weather brings & ha......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, inspiration, introspection, philosophy, spiritual,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

DID nightmare
...DID NIGHTMARE having Did is not all that’s cracked up to be. Having to try to remember what you did, day to day Having people say “ I wish I had DID” because when I don’t want to handle something ......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, abuse, anger, child abuse,
Form: Free verse
...Thinking is for those of us Who have some extra time, Especially when all those thoughts Are written out in rhyme. For when days are super busy And our brains are hard at work, It’s impossibl......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member We Don'T Need To Know Why
...It’s cute when a young child keeps asking why. Without an answer they think they will die. Some don’t ask questions because they are shy. Some others give up because they fear of a lie. I’ve co......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, god, introspection, perspective, relationship,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Stressors
...*last winter break* I woke up abruptly, my chest gripped and tight. My face felt hot but my arms stung as if frostbitten. I gasped for air that wouldn’t come, as if I had a plastic bag over my hea......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, brother, christmas, dream, growing
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Brain Drain
...One truth that's really hard to face is that our world is in a very dark place. Most people know it, one doesn't need to be sensitive nor even a poet. Unless we're living like a mole, external str......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, body, health,
Form: Light Verse
Inevitable Death Defines Life
...Inevitable death defines afterlife I mull mortality thru lens crafted occipital orbs regarding a better future experience sing a space oddity – whar incessant yaks exuding a big hurt emana......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, absence, allah, angel, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme
Make It Hurt
...Make it hurt, I wanna bear your mark Take my flesh and brand it in the dark Dent and tear apart my skin under your sharp teeth Use everything you have to tear apart me Sweet, sweet as can be I......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, abuse,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Stepping Outside To Regather
...Easy to get stuck inside my head outside Earth's neglected aching hearts Breathing in and out togather fumes of historically fueled graphite sheeted walls too all-encumbering to smell as......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, health, humor, joy, peace,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Knowing Nothing
...My Math Teacher said: I know how to teach you about 1 but can't guide you into comprehending None--0 A more sacredly co-arising binomial relationship, less traveled bipartisan path to know Zer......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, earth, education, health, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member To a Superior Judge
...I could not do what you are mandated to do every day on society's justice bench, weighing retributive justice against restorative healing. I cannot look with any comfort at police and correc......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, anxiety, blue, bullying, culture,
Form: Political Verse
At the Airport Early
...When you’re at the airport early, You can chill out and relax Since there aren’t many stressors That will stop you in your tracks. You’ve already dealt with traffic And returned the rental ca......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, flying,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Grave Feelings
...I rediscover organic errors hidden in co-gravitating love language. Gravity is easily noticed as Apple falling toward Earth; less visibly co-scienced, experientially remembered, as co-gravit......Read the rest...
Categories: stressors, earth, extended metaphor, health,
Form: Political Verse

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