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Stomach Poems - Poems about Stomach

So called Chef How much time do I have left? The mouth was waiting for food to eat The eyes said it had to retreat No one knew what was cooked All one had to do was take a look The...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, character, creation, fate, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
STATION MEETING The time has come years depart I slap your stomach You throttle me for my gems I have none my gems are the stars sardines swim towards me chains rattle loose to the children in the Wilderness I flee verse2016 ...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, 10th grade, africa, character,
Form: Verse

bottom grapes and curdled milk in my stomach
object be silent not signed about take the present it a meaningful moment at that cornered life you scram behind the bent stand she and he hide out for once and for naught a single ounce you got left to sell comin in a center miss perfect deflecting death shirt...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, eulogy, extended metaphor, i
Form: Free verse
poetry for my stomach
My “honey” with chestnuts will not come for Christmas, It’s life, you have to enjoy yourself anyway once a year, New Year’s menu to enjoy at the time you like, Foie gras with a glass of Monbazillac, Snails with...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, christmas, peace,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member stomach staple surgery of 2023
this surgery is never guaranteed some come away looking terrific they don’t publicize those left dead buried in a foreign grave my friends will take the risk dreams of being thin not me this time I shall stay alive fat...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, sick,
Form: Etheree

Don't Eat The Cocktail Sauce In The Refridgerator
Sweat pricks my eyes shut Flaming punches strike my gut Yet I boldly dance...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, confidence, endurance, food, funny,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Of Stomach-aches and Birthday Cakes
Give thanks for a stomach-ache same as for a birthday cake Do your elbows feel good today ~ ...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, appreciation, thanks,
Form: Couplet
Your Stomach
In whispers of silk, your body unfurls, A canvas of grace, where desire swirls. Amongst her treasures, a sight to behold, Your beautiful stomach, a tale untold. A gentle curve, an ethereal shrine, Where secrets reside, and love intertwines. Sculpted with...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
While Indulging Stomach Will Be Bulging
While I am indulging stomach had been bulging sins apparently plunging...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
The Stomach Infrastructure Politician
Politicians with stomachs of steel Infrastructure for their meals Their stomachs strong and robust To digest the food they must They'll eat and eat with great enthusiasm Their stomachs toil with great endurance Their stomach infrastructure's a sight To see them eat...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, africa, political,
Form: Rhyme
I Laid Me Body Stomach Down Atop a Grassy Knoll
I laid me body stomach down atop a grassy knoll... here at Highland Manor Apartments earlier today Juneteenth 2022, (a pitch perfect spring day) with serious intent to read seat of the pants suspense thriller The New Comprehensive A-Z Crossword Dictionary. Invariably, yours...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, absence, age, angel, anger,
Form: Free verse
Flat Stomach
"Piece of "(Sarah Cahill's friend), when I was eight, I think you forced yourself into my home, my safe space- a blue truck pulled up to the front of my mother's, and father's house, a dad with a...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, anger, angst,
Form: Rhyme
It Laid Heavy On My Stomach
Sung to the tune of: "He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother" The spice was strong The pasta was cooked too long The garlic was everywhere, everywhere And I...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, food, humor, humorous, sick,
Form: Lyric
Butterflies In My Garden
There are butterflies in my garden; can you believe it? Two or three of its kind; big and small. All very cute and very colorful Delightful...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, beautiful, butterfly, color, cool,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Stomach Ache
feeling pangs of lust in the pit of my stomach took seltzer water could be mistaken for love or having eaten oysters SECOND PLACE WINNER written May 28, 2021 for "Tanka" Poetry Contest sponsored by M.L. Kiser...Read the rest...
Categories: stomach, love, lust, sick,
Form: Tanka

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