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Stateside Poems - Poems about Stateside

Stateside Poems - Examples of all types of poems about stateside to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for stateside.
Premium Member 1970 Redux
...LAST YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL As I was finishing my senior year in high school I knew I wanted out. I wasn’t going to college. No desire or grades. I was 18 after all, almost 19 Everyone asked, “wha......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, growing up,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Poeticism Admired
...Claims bestilled north river long shores of yore, inscribed quill while floored, dry well mirror cracked, breathes clement time preclude stray minds the score, crept halls, wings, flights ......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, appreciation, imagery, in memoriam,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member Song of The American Beauty Rose No 3: ABAB
...Opulent indulgence amenities generously upload green thumb senses. Greenhouse cautions region known as frost tease. A pastime cores, aloof clock condenses, held their grounds by abductions amateu......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, appreciation, beauty, flower, imagery,
Form: Crown of Sonnets

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Quiet Down the Mountain - Dogging the Watch
...The morning sun’s oppressive; a nasty b*tch in heat on Rizal Avenue, Where vendors hawk their cigarettes, baloot, and dog meat barbecue. The jeepneys buzz the intersection like a hornet’s nest, Bu......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, allegory, angst, break up,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Tissue's Tears
...She'd waited so long Her love remained strong Her man sent overseas She stateside, ill-at-ease The lives of so many claimed or wounded or maimed Now just three days to go Her ner......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, love, soldier, war, wife,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member Ghost and the Darkness
...GHOST AND THE DARKNESS Daunting, a late night movie, just before the verge of night spills into your lair. You can’t bury the dark at those times. The roar in the blackout. The snore at t......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, animal, scary,
Form: Prose
Premium Member When I Was Born In '45
...When I Was Born in '45 By Franklin Price 08/08/202 When I was born in '45, was another time and place Merritt Island, I called home, we had not gone to space Segregation was the way, we lived ......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, america, discrimination,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member The Sweetest Nun I Know
...THE SWEETEST NUN I KNOW During my 20 year Air Force career, I was assigned to the Chaplain's Office as a Chapel Manager. During this time, I was stationed in Vietnam and had the distinct privileg......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, appreciation, children, christian, christmas,
Form: Free verse
Golden Triangle Snow
...Golden Triangle Snow Old skool rock and roll on the decks. Takes me back to before I was born. Smoking the best ing weed in 'Nam. Swimming in the river. Worshipping dark Gods. Making love to even da......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, conflict, drug, military, political,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Where Angels Fear To Tread
...I was a picked on, bullied, browbeaten, buffaloed boy from Buffalo New York. I grew up on Buffalo’s lower east side, the ghetto by another name. The Frederick Douglass towers. Formerly the Tal......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, confidence, courage, encouraging, life,
Form: Free verse
...DEROS There is great relief when a tour ends and you are processed out of the unit; addresses exchanged and goodbyes done all thought is about the Freedom Bird and the long awaited flight home......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, anger, betrayal, conflict, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Soon Enough, Part Ii
......The wedding was planned for that fifth year, but when it came Rob sadly did say: “I’m being deployed, they’re put us on alert, I’m sorry love, but I must go away.” She was in tears, but what c......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, angst, life, loss, love,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Sandbox
... It seems like it was yesterday in backyard sandbox she had played; granddaughter loved to have her way with sand, her pail, scoop, shovel, spade. She'd mold and build, w......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, granddaughter, tribute,
Form: Quatrain
Your English Our English
...'You are' and 'We are' are not both the same, In English we all play this dangerous game. If I say you're lucky if you have some fun, do I mean just 'you' or indeed everyone? If I say we're lucky......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, words, writing,
Form: Rhyme
...To hovel me in your zareba is your intention “For safety, to protect, truly for protection.” Transparent lies I can clearly see through And my resolve is a monolith to see my dream come true. I will......Read the rest...
Categories: stateside, dream,
Form: Rhyme

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