Spring Poems - Examples of all types of spring poetry to share and read. This list of spring poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read
short, long, best, and famous examples of spring poetry. This list of works about spring is an excellent resource for examples on how to write spring poems.
sensitive neighbor woundz
allusion, beautiful, blessing, spring,
Form: Cowboy Poetry
First Day Of Spring
Our days are numbered- till "First Day of Spring,"
when unencumbered, she can start her fling;
wake Winter-slumbered roots for their upswing!
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appreciation, blessing, spring,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Spring - What Are You Saying???
Birds are chirping and singing,
little ones in their nests are swinging.
Some are red and some just flew,
one went right by you.
Flowers are now awakening,
their pretty colors will be breathtaking.
Love them in colors of white~pink~yellow and...
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spring, bird, fun, love, morning,
Form: Rhyme
turning grayAs I Turn Gray
As I turn gray, the music fades,
Melodies lost in the echo of days.
Consciousness swarms me, a ceaseless tide,
Drowning in thoughts I cannot hide.
The colors blur, once vivid, now pale,
Chained by shame—too weak...
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spring, 12th grade, desire, hope,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
I have seen the amber breeze
Upon an Autumn day
Leaves of golden brown
red and green adorn
A dream
In flight my eyes amazed
Pastel brush strokes
Flicker and teem
As a cloud of sullin reason
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spring, autumn, beauty, seasons, snow,
Form: Free verse
a spring day in 1952A day spring day 1952
It was a day in April, the boy sat by the milk ramp waited for the man, who drove from farm-to-farm, collecting milk for the Dairy in local town There...
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spring, absence, blessing, confidence, garden,
Form: ABC
Untitledthe loud lion roars
let us hope the warm Spring lamb
is not far behind
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Form: Haiku
As The Last Petal FallsI recline with my cherry tree musings;
a fountain of blossoms
the complexion of cherub cheeks flushed
rise and curve from the ground
up into a heaven and cloud scene
to spread in splendor...
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spring, appreciation, beauty, flower, nature,
Form: Free verse
- Dear March -
beauty, spring,
Form: Free verse
Signs of SpringThe signs of spring are in the air
the days begin to lengthen
morning arrives earlier each day
the sun sets later in evening
the mood of people brighten
as they look forward to spring
it was a long cold winter
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Form: Free verse
As The Last Petal Falls
spring, beauty, flower, fun, growth,
Form: Monoku
The birth of SpringWinter is in labor and beginning to start the birthing
process of Spring, after a long season of snow and ice.
It is a welcome addition and all of nature seems
to be changing hourly as the weather...
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Form: Free verse
In with a Song, Out with a Measure of SilenceThis day in early March sings
in a gust of wind it brings
the season’s change
life I’ve known rearranged
one day warm the next cold
nature’s changing moods to behold
when each day when I’m awake
nature’s tempestuous moods to partake.
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march, spring,
Form: Sonnet
Spring Soon Begins"Spring, a time to renew, refresh and let go of Winter's bitterness." - Quote by poet.
Purple crocus peak through snow melted ground.
Songbirds rejoicing Spring will soon be bound.
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beautiful, bird, nature, spring,
Form: Couplet
Old Man Winter now flagging, and slip sliding alongOld Man Winter now flagging, and slip sliding along...
as his stronghold diminishes.
Signals, triggers, and ushers kickstarting debut
of demure "Flora" who slowly but surely attempts
to reveal her true colors in fits and starts,
nevertheless, she displays skittishness,
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spring, america, animal, birth, celebration,
Form: Free verse
Specific Types of Spring Poems
Read wonderful spring poetry on the following sub-topics:
beautiful, change, equinox, first day, flowers, hope, life, love, romance, school, showers, transition
and more.
Definition | What is Spring in Poetry?
Poems Related to Spring
autumn, summer, winter, hope, hop, flexibility, leap, bounce, prime, flowering, budding, springtime, budtime, vernal equinox,