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Spat Poems - Poems about Spat

Spat Poems - Examples of all types of poems about spat to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for spat.

Premium Member Spur of the Moment Spat
When the bluster and champion of words bleeds from the flue, quite unintentionally, with seeds… The whirlwind of contrast and opposing creeds turns one blue, when the bluster and champion of words bleeds. Spur of the moment spat of dandelion weeds without...Read the rest...
Categories: spat, angst,
Form: Villanelle
Premium Member Just Like a Cat
Is your body blooming from the calories your consuming and you threw away that yoga mat? Learn a lesson from a cat. If too many hours on your derriere you've sat, playing on face book,...Read the rest...
Categories: spat, cat,
Form: Light Verse

Swallowed and Spat Out
depression breaks the ground beneath our feet without warning and swallows us wholly without remorse. when we come back, what have we lost? if we come back, what did we bring back? darkness takes and...Read the rest...
Categories: spat, anxiety, depression,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

A Spat With the Man In My Mirror
I’d hang my head in shame The day I stop querying the man in my mirror Whose name I’d associate with blame For daring to conceal the fear and tear My conscience weeps as the man fails to keep Promises...Read the rest...
Categories: spat, poems,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Big Fish Spat Him Out
There was a man God called to serve but he refused to go God's way going in the opposite direction this was a price he would soon pay This man was Jonah a runaway like so many fleeing the divine...Read the rest...
Categories: spat, bible, sin, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

Strength Spat In the Eye
Will enough ever be that?Or will we continue to let those who have, dominate, dictate, what we will never have? No a wonder, when stated, lie the created, believed truth. For the majority? the official...Read the rest...
Categories: spat, political, pollution, poverty, social,
Form: Free verse
To Soothe a Staff Spat
He bought everyone A choux pastry Filled with cream And half covered with chocolate, To eclair the air....Read the rest...
Categories: spat, funny,
Form: Blank verse
A Lovers Spat
I’m mad she said as she slammed the door, I’ve never seen her act this way before. She’ll be back I keep telling myself as I stand there staring at the door. ...Read the rest...
Categories: spat, imagination, love, wife, love,
Form: Narrative

Book: Reflection on the Important Things