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Spanner Poems - Poems about Spanner

Spanner Poems - Examples of all types of poems about spanner to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for spanner.
Mr Sewerman
...Grunt grunt below the gutter The man of the sewer works With his big old rusty spanner He twists the pipes, the nuts and bolts That struggle to hold the metal that jolts The rats and roaches s......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, poems,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Terror Bugs: Part 3 - A Freezer Mice Adventure
...[Continued from ‘Terror Bugs: Part 2 - A Freezer Mice Adventure’] __________ London’s streets resembled an al fresco mausoleum They tracked a trail of body parts which led to a......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, adventure,
Form: Narrative

...I went for a walk with an Aardvark In a forest of beer bottle trees, Entranced by their gentle swaying, Hanging and clinking in the breeze; And I found a top spanner bush Growing at a convenient......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, dream, fantasy, fun,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Events That Have Not Happened Yet and Other Feelings of Anxiety About Impending Doom
...In three billion years the sun dies, Earth with it and the ring around Saturn too. When will the apple fall? Will it fall close or roll? The apple rots eventually, the tree forgets and fly’s brain......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, anxiety, bereavement, birth, death,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Follow the Fire
...Harken! blasts of thunder pressurised magma sears Pyroclastic hearts collapse a spanner jams the gears Distended fiery fissures augur unquantified fears Cataclysms bring rupture down pat......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, allusion, love, power,
Form: Monorhyme

There Are Abilities In Disabilities
...There are abilities in disabilities So shun idioms that mock any form of disabilities I know a fellow that has his physical frame unbalanced And his head obliguely and disingenuously referenced ......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, dedication, faith, fate, hope,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member One Button Too Many
...Putin's finger lingers over the device That activates the bomb Against the best advice He teases with aplomb Shall I, shan't I Oh, this is kind of fun Power Hungry Putin What have you done? Y......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, 10th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Two Weeks At Christmas
...For two weeks o'er Christmas; let's straighten the bend, or flatten the curve Lets just get on the mend.' Give amazon and others a holiday space And more Important yourselves' just step off the goo......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, addiction, adventure, america, autumn,
Form: Rhyme
...I went for a walk with an Aardvark In a forest of beer bottle trees, Entranced by their gentle swaying, Hanging and clinking in the breeze; And I found a top spanner bush Growing at a convenient......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, adventure, dream, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
A Spanner In the Works
...A spanner in the works I have dislike of all royalty who stole the people's land Their acolytes were given titles to ensure their loyalty. Privileged aristocracy, the guardian of transformation ......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, anger, devotion, emotions,
Form: Blitz
Mystery 4 Rent
...I find myself currently rented out by the mystery Of a a so called smart watch Digitally imposed hand's rocking around it's clock Strapped around a fair maiden's dainty wrist Which simulta......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Keep On Keeping On
...You may rest awhile if the trek be tough, Grab a breath when the terrain is rough; Let the oars have some respite, And the rower fresh viands bite. But the going must anon continue, For tim......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, 8th grade, allegory, allusion,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Should the Levee Ever Break, Act 1, Scene 1, Part 7
...Tom: Well, do tell? But like I said, I’m not a stranger. I’m a businessman; and more than that. Why, I could be just like a brother to you if you’d let me. Besides, I studied music once, too, but tha......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, allegory,
Form: Prose
Different Means of Livelihood
...The electrician’s pliers Shields him from live wires And a final baptism with Satan’s fires. A mechanic’s spanner Is his goddamned banner Dropping him his daily manna. At the carpenters sh......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, business, integrity, stress, wisdom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Backyard Mechanic
...Backyard Mechanic by Bob Moore © 2019 I’m a guy of the ‘60’s and ‘70’s, a Ford man, or a Holden or two we didn’t bother with garages, if the car broke, we knew what to do We only needed a spann......Read the rest...
Categories: spanner, car,
Form: Rhyme

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