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Songbook Poems - Poems about Songbook

Songbook Poems - Examples of all types of poems about songbook to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for songbook.
Premium Member Sing Your Song
...“birds care not for whom they sing” - Silent One You have your place in nature's choir, Singing creation's songbook. You're divine when you sing what you desire, Like water in a brook, Or leav......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, allegory, animal, art, bird,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Mary, Mary, Not Quite
...The oldest version dates from Tom Thumbs' 1744 songbook. Modern versions keeping with times, caused 'Mistress' to go dark. 'Cockle' is a seashell. Mistress Mary sang like canary, When they surrou......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, allusion, analogy, appreciation, children,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Xylophone
...X marks the spot - teeny fingers tap colors. Youngster’s attentive to the rainbow bars. Language of a rambunctious or prissy toddler. Oscar music songbook exalts experience. Potent stick and head......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, child, music,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Rape, of a Piano Song
...Her song is the luring of a beloved beast with a soft black, blond coat, and sunflower eyes. Her song is the colors captured within any sky, every sky within the celestial sphere that ad......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, allusion, anger, angst, cat,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Music
...Melodies remain Uncontained by time's goodbyes Songbook of refrain Immersed with dim, nimbus eyes Chorus chords immortalized 5-19-2021 TANKACROSTIC Poetry Contest Sponsor: Andrea Dietrich (......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, deep, emotions, grief, heartbreak,
Form: Tanka

Who Will Be Great - Ii
...If you look at Stephen Foster, who wrote songs for the minstrel shows, you wouldn’t expect a genius that all of the world would know. He was another bookkeeper for a steamship company, until he......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, books, literature, music, people,
Form: Rhyme
When Shall We See Tomorrow
...History is the mirror through which we see tomorrow. She is the apartheid portrait and silhouette of liberty in Port Elizabeth. In Cairo, the pyramids would show you her hidden hollows. Through t......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, africa, allusion, anger, corruption,
Form: Epic
Centennial Fury
...The great American Songbook whose words march off the page Its music now a footnote —to a century of rage (Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, anger,
Form: Rhyme
The American Bar In the Savoy Hotel
...It is called the American Bar in the Savoy Hotel, in the Covenant Garden area of central London just off the Strand. Tonight, it was awash with indifferent lovers searching for another dramatic roma......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, city, desire, london, lust,
Form: Verse
Against the Elements
...We are still at the mercy of the elements despite our technological advances Today the city is covered in snow No cars moving, no mail Inside I am warm and watching beautifu......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, snow, urban,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The World Without the Self
...Between conjecture and classification there is observation, experiment, data (collection and analysis), statistics, calculus, and a good guess about God's intentions - probabilities, fractals, cha......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, betrayal, fear, god, pain,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Who Should I Thank
...You may feel about the planet what you feel about a great baseball team or band: that once there was a moment when, unknown to us at the time, we convened and lost and found ourselves in what we ......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, baseball, business, dance, lost,
Form: Verse
Thumbing Through My Hymnal
...This songbook that I'm thumbing through, uplifts my soul, I sing anew. ""Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me." (John Newton, thank you for this song, you changed your ......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, god, inspiration, music, religion,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Blueberries
...blueberries gasoline and prostate gland breast cancer Wonderbread and pacifier controlled experiment space travel and honey peanuts inductive reasoning and electricity tornadoes torture chamb......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, blue, books, light, rights,
Form: Verse
Not the Cruellest Month
...How can there be despair when the entire natural world unfolds with new life? When the anhinga alights from the Nowhere he was into the Somewhere you are, negotiating his spectacular landing, ......Read the rest...
Categories: songbook, seasons,
Form: Elegy

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry