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Solve Poems - Poems about Solve

Solve Poems - Examples of all types of poems about solve to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for solve.
Premium Member unable to solve the case
A dozen dancing markers ran through the streets screaming for help Avoiding Mr. Gold and his thugs as best they could Unfortunately, coal and ebony got lost in a Chicago alley Their runaway plans thwarted when the mafioso...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Mom's Plan Is ALL Right
Humanity's produced all through the ages A thin but steady stream of brilliant sages. Good and Evil... the Meaning of Life... The causes of all our confusion and strife... Good guidance and advice come from their careful pondering As we,...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, celebration, cheer up, conflict,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member What eyes hide
Many different colours, sizes and even shapes, some are more beautiful, others are just common, some are more expressive, others are just unexpressive. Eyes can see, eyes can talk, and beyond our eyes there are hidden worlds. They can show happiness, sadness, glory, love,...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, beautiful, emotions, feelings, love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

One way to solve E-Waste Problem
I wonder if it is true, That we produce more E-waste than food for you and me. If I had a magic wand on me, I would turn my electronics waste into food for more than just me. As...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, age, angel, appreciation, art,
Form: Burlesque
Solve the Crime
What takes you so long to solve the crime when you have all the evidence that you can find, what take you so long to solve the crime when you saw the man rang the...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, business, conflict, freedom, international,
Form: Free verse

Solve Pine Pollen Which Is Worst
always have a thirst solve pollen which is the worst practiced and rehearsed...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Prayer Will Solve By Being a Safety Valve
Prayer will Solve by being a Safety Valve  poems twitter/ facebook/ linked in/ ibeu/g/ sb/ brk/ ooetry soup Prayer can cure any malady It can arrest the worst tragedy It will save us from every jeopardy Please use...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, god, prayer,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Starbucks Can'T Solve Everything Nk
The pain swings up, Like bright mornings, Moon dog nights. The pain swings, Down we go, Into the depths. Feet feeling The body's heart pain. Coping mechanisms sought out: Time, mediation, sleep. Fishing? What if I caught a trout? To break this mental hold? Starbucks can't solve...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, pain,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Who Is To Be Blamed
Problems man can't solve He refers to God Because man's wisdom is limited And man's confidence will finally collapse He blames God For whatever it is Because he's the creator He creates man and the universe He'll be responsible But...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, god, happiness, life, parents,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Who Is Happier
Different generations Different life styles From deficiency to abundance From neglect to care From basic education to higher education From man monopolization to women arising From single income bearers to both parents working From self-raising babies to baby sisters to nurseries Different...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, education, god, happiness, pollution,
Form: Free verse
What Else Is Coming
Corona Omicron what else is coming ? Will the ruler of the world be viruses ? men of the science prayers to the God fighting ! Corona Omicron what else is coming ? we must save life, the...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, courage, fear, future, humanity,
Form: Triolet
Premium Member A Dictionary
Man is a living thing With going perspectives With changes In characters and behaviours In the spiritual and mterial worlds Too difficult to understand thoroughly Are psychology, philosophy, religion The dictionaries To solve these puzzles I wonder...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, change, character, philosophy, psychological,
Form: Free verse
An Ode Notion of Medicine
What there is to offer a help, and proffer a profile (drugs) and solutions, to life and its problems and tip, do I know whether notions?, one now I found and read and meditate, that if men and women...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, adventure, love,
Form: Ode
The Desire To Solve the Problems
It's common for men to encounter troubles about living or health. Families deal with various issues by employing different measures and solutions to defeat every test....Read the rest...
Categories: solve, poems,
Form: Nonet
Solve the Puzzle
Happy birthday, Sister Mariel, The human brain needs exercise; The poem is made of riddle, Solve the puzzle just once not twice. Topic: Birthday of Mariel F. Rom (March 21)...Read the rest...
Categories: solve, birthday,
Form: Quatrain

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry