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Slammed Poems - Poems about Slammed

Slammed Poems - Examples of all types of poems about slammed to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for slammed.
SS, The Shot Warnerer
SS…The Shot Warning It was a hit I was lifted from the ground and slammed face down The night nurses screamed in right alarm perplexed my heart raced The night nurses asked aloud what hit him but deep...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, anxiety, betrayal, conflict, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member He Slammed the Door
He slammed his heavy door, right in gracious friendships’ face? She cried heavy tears, into a dainty handkerchief of lovely, lilac...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, emotions, feelings, friendship, god,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member He Slammed the Door
11/4/2023 He slammed his heavy door, right in friendships’ face! She...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, friendship, loss, prayer, strength,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Graveyard Cook
The short order cook is getting delirious at five in the morning Beads of sweat showing under his funny hat As he stares blankly at the eight new orders on the wheel, And wonders when the drunks Will all...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, drink, longing, work,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Uncle Sam Gets Slammed
Yes, indeed. Alright. I'm lily-white all 9+ feet of me, a tricolor sight But now I'm 'racist' and 'insensitive' because 'brown pigment I lack' A...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, america, bullying, pain, political,
Form: Personification

12 Frog Prison Slammed Shut
The other night as every night since and before My weary eye's drifted into wonder sleep and i began to snore And then of 12 frog's i eventually dreamt Belly down crawling stuck on a concourse prison floor And once awake...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, dream, slam,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Death Slammed Her Down On a Highway
we did not realize she was given on loan to us pink and plump with a pretty mouth we thought we would have her forever we saw her as a bride and a doctor death slammed her down on...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Slammed Slam
You say Trim Shady come out and play but Shady aint around no not today that alter ego went away away to stay I'm crazy maybe taking on a lady but here now so hip hip lets slay. Now Brenda...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, hip hop, rap, slam,
Form: Rhyme
Slammed Shut
slammed shut closed off from the bonds that once bound the two hearts together forever trapped in a state of emotional limbo never able to break the chains that tie up the soul within a persion of self-loathing...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, psychological,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Slammed the Door
I slammed the door shut at the old year and its evils behind Let only the good it has brought us in, to find peace of mind © Demetrios Trifiatis 02 January 2018...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, happiness, new year, peace,
Form: Couplet
Beautiful Slammed Boxes
I caught you looking In what world ? Please Even if you where the last person on earth In reality You would still be to good for me And Yet I would still slam you down Because...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, allusion, april, slam,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member When Hell Slammed Into Orlando
Hawk eyed bullet, lamb blood spilling garments of our fractured youth nothing remains virgin or sacred rosaries retreat to martyr tombs. Windfall for green tied politicians a spray of rainbows cracks the air the nest of innocents forever disfigured broken doves...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, angst,
Form: Rhyme
He Slammed the Door
He slammed the door, With a great loud thud. To prevent the dark evil thoughts, Just lurking behind the door, From getting hold of his mind. He slammed the door, With all his might, For in this dark evil hour, No one was...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, age, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Jim Morrison Slammed the Doors
Jim Morrison Slammed The Doors By Rick Rucker Jim, I think all of your fans knew, That we would not long have you, In this life, you had a blast, You just blew up too awfully fast, If you had become...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, death
Form: Couplet
They try to silence, say it's about violence, repression, oppression, obsession, ignorance is bliss, quess what they can kiss, they slander, they pander it's a knee-jerk reaction to the right-wing faction, fear of something new (like people of hue?), it's a...Read the rest...
Categories: slammed, on writing and words,
Form: Lyric

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