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Skylarking Poems - Poems about Skylarking

Skylarking Poems - Examples of all types of poems about skylarking to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for skylarking.

Premium Member End Times
...Before the primate known as “man” became loquacious, With all his fishnet shenanigans, skylarking monkey shines, And thermo-nuclear weapons, There was a time when words among men Had not yet ......Read the rest...
Categories: skylarking, allegory, angst, culture, dark,
Form: Blank verse
...Winds bell-ring the tulips. Racoons hang lazily from eaves watching the watched. Barns are bent into rafts of moss, an age shedding green gathered by crow-footed wanderers. All is a montage of ......Read the rest...
Categories: skylarking, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Skylarking swarm skylarking swirls, twists, curls, unfurls skyward reverberating......Read the rest...
Categories: skylarking, celebration,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Day Dreaming Is Real
...So, there is this very long string threaded through countless wooden beads of various bright colors. This super long string is situated way above the clouds and stretches into oblivion and that......Read the rest...
Categories: skylarking, dream, space,
Form: Free verse
Its a Refrain
...It's a refrain from the pain Endless list of impossibilities Concealing, aligning with atrocities Glamorizing, appetizing ponderous existence Of delusional falsehood, negatives overriding Employ......Read the rest...
Categories: skylarking, introspection, nature, peace,
Form: Free verse

"seasonal Change"
...The sun glistens heavenly over our heads;thus casting black shadows as we walk in togetherness. We prespire ,skylarking in our seizure,in youthful bantering as we reach our destination. Sudenly t......Read the rest...
Categories: skylarking, allegory, childhood, children, introspection,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things