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Simile Poems | Examples of Simile Poetry

Simile Poems - Examples of all types of simile poetry to share and read. This list of simile poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples of simile poetry. This list of works about simile is an excellent resource for examples on how to write simile poems.
The Hand's Hidden Rivers
The map etched deep, a cryptic, skin-worn chart, No oceans blue, but valleys of the heart. These lines of palm, a whispered, ancient script, Where fate and chance in subtle shadows slipped. A lifeline's curve, a river flowing slow, Or...Read the rest...
Categories: metaphor, simile,
Form: Rhyme
Speechless Witness
A silent twin that stretches, shrinks, and sways, A darkened mimic through the sunlit days. No voice to speak, no hand to touch or hold, A phantom presence, stories yet untold. It dances with us in the morning's light, A...Read the rest...
Categories: life, metaphor, simile,
Form: Rhyme

The Cruelty Of Wealth
Wealth, a siren's charm, alluring and bright A pillow's softness, a thimble's gentle might It provides for earthly needs, a feast to behold Yet, in its depths, a darkness unfolds Oh, wealth! Where is thy dominion? Poverty's cold grasp awaits,...Read the rest...
Categories: simile, allusion, hyperbole, imagery, irony,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Obstreperous Thoughts
Inside my head, voices fight for dominance, obstreperous thoughts clashing, each demanding attention, a symphony of dissonance, a cacophony of self-doubt and dreams I cannot silence them— they...Read the rest...
Categories: simile, angst, dream, imagery, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
A big smiling sun opens its mouth in splendor... ...Read the rest...
Categories: simile, allusion, creation, extended metaphor,
Form: Free verse

Sam I am
Green Eggs and Ham Bright is cleverer than smart Take your time cosmic egg Get there in this rhyme Posses not my unconscious mind Just like a seasoned ham Essence of the soul La Cremosa classical Nursery book rhyme Sam I am Tall Tale...Read the rest...
Categories: simile, color, cute, dream, mystery,
Form: Free verse
I wish it was me
All I ask is a little love, All I ask is a little time with you, I know you hate me to the core, I know you don’t love me anymore, But why can’t I understand that, Why am I...Read the rest...
Categories: simile, break up, cry, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Thought by thought Word by word Piece by piece I will put myself together Because I am reborn Loud and fiery Colorful and sane, this time I will reshape myself No, I don't need your help Swaying I will succeed Laughing I will speak I will...Read the rest...
Categories: simile, birth, character, creation, freedom,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member LIKE BEES
Hived souls in oneness, Sweetly working together: We should live as bees:- In divine labors of love, Let us collectively live:-...Read the rest...
Categories: simile, allegory, analogy, encouraging, extended
Form: Tanka
TO BEING IN ASSURANCE OF SELF*** In your life’s sojourn, Step off in undying faith; Hope leading you on:- Fear not death’s shadows, Let grace light up your pathway; Reflecting the trek:- Believing in God, Also believe in yourself; Team working life’s course:- With...Read the rest...
Categories: simile, allegory,
Form: Prose
OF ANOTHER DAY'S DAWNING Like sunshine of day, again I have a dawning; labors of love waiting:-...Read the rest...
Categories: allegory, simile,
Form: Haiku
IN LIFE’S BALL GAME Don’t be a football, Thrown and kicked down the field Like rocks of nature:- Rather, be a bouncing ball… Sowing and reaping life’s goal:- ...Read the rest...
Categories: simile, 6th grade, basketball, encouraging,
Form: Tanka
Vulnerable Love
Inhale me like DMT And follow me into my dreams. I'll show you things you've never seen Because I exist in the 5D. I'll make you trip on reality And help change your mentality. You will find me where you clear...Read the rest...
Categories: simile, deep, feelings, how i
Form: Rhyme
Chronicles of the wayfaring sea
The sea stretches across a vast expanse Blue and white, do the waves prance As a boat struggles to stay afloat When the waves draw themselves to their height entire The folks crouch down and say oh sire! Spare...Read the rest...
Categories: simile, allegory, allusion, analogy, creation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Unfinished
like dragonfly with broken wing unfinished dreams never take flight ...Read the rest...
Categories: simile,
Form: Verse

Specific Types of Simile Poems

Read wonderful simile poetry on the following sub-topics: animal, christmas, dogs, family, funny, kids, life, love, metaphor, mother, nature, ocean, spring, and more.

Definition | What is Simile in Poetry?

Poems Related to Simile

similitude, metaphor, analogy,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things