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Siena Poems - Poems about Siena

Siena Poems - Examples of all types of poems about siena to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for siena.

Premium Member St Aldobrandesca Also Known As St Alda
...A Mystic from 13th Century Siena, Italy. She was a popular curiosity in town, because of her many visions, ecstasies, and miracles. Once in a hospital a maid came upon Aldobrandesca in a trance. Th......Read the rest...
Categories: siena, appreciation, faith,
Form: Narrative
The Crucifixion of Barna, Part 1 of 2
...(In the late 1300's, veteran painter Barna of Siena was killed when he fell from the scaffolding whilst working on "The Crucifixion", the final panel of his fresco cycle in the Church of the Co......Read the rest...
Categories: siena,
Form: Blank verse

The Adventures of Enea, Part 9 of 13
...Points Above and Below the Line (Enea Canonises Catherine of Siena) It's not a thing we go for any more, that hierarchy malarkey, but in fact the medieval mind set mega store by stairs and ......Read the rest...
Categories: siena,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Adventures of Enea, Part 7 of 13
...Enea's Pope! (2) I suppose it’s common knowledge (and not tedious, I hope!) that two-thirds of the Sacred College must concur to elect a pope. With eighteen cardinals gathered, twe......Read the rest...
Categories: siena,
Form: Quatrain
The Adventures of Enea, Part 4 of 13
...Gate and Column Enea celebrates the wedding of Frederick and Leonor He owned a benefice “out there”, beyond Ravenna, but now, in middle age, he’s coming home. The action’s moved to native-tow......Read the rest...
Categories: siena,
Form: Terza Rima

The Adventures of Enea, Part 1 of 13
...(In the early years of the 16th century, the artist Pinturicchio was employed by Cardinal Piccolomini to decorate the library of Siena Cathedral with fresco scenes from the life of his ancestor, ......Read the rest...
Categories: siena,
Form: Quatrain
For the Feast of St Catherine of Siena
...She drank the purifying firewater (purer than the purest alcohol) from the fountain where all can drink to the full. Then she immersed herself. She emerged with the fire in her eyes and came clo......Read the rest...
Categories: siena, fire, prayer, religion,
Form: Free verse
The First Snow
...I cross a river of sticks- frozen, the fallen brothers of the War of the Seasons. Snotty dew grasps at siena tips in a crack between the planks of time as the Gods cast white petals down from some is......Read the rest...
Categories: siena, nature,
Form: Pastoral
At the Souk
...My heart is out for you At the souk My heart sits on the steps Falling from sand to sea Crying for you At the souk My heart whirls like a dervish Around straggling lasses Wending their w......Read the rest...
Categories: siena, passionheart, heart,
Form: Romanticism

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry