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Shy Poems - Poems about Shy

Premium Member What am I doing here?
i try to fit in with warm hellos superficial smiles and nods of acquiescence checking if i can make myself useful comfortable in the support role back in the dark behind the scenes in a sea of strangers with names...Read the rest...
Categories: shy, anxiety, feelings, introspection, lonely,
Form: Free verse
How Shy I Am
Stay in my house Five days straight Perfectly glad. I have good food With good coffee With good music. Good internet Cozy chill place Read few good books. Fav shows to watch I have no fret I'm drawn-out long....Read the rest...
Categories: shy, character, life, passion,
Form: Than-Bauk

Premium Member I'm at the entrance of you
I'm at the entrance of you, and I don't know what to do. I don't know where to begin to try to find my way in without making a disqualifying miscue....Read the rest...
Categories: shy, analogy, angst, anxiety, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I stand accused of being a mouse
i hide behind my shell and don't say boo until i loosen up and can be me a simple glass of cabernet helps chisel off the edges rounds those prickly corners they that keep me guarded posted on February 18, 2025...Read the rest...
Categories: shy, wine,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member shy faerie goddess
Which is more vivid, the seventeen-year-old or her flaming dress? Fat Rita Hayworth ginger ringlets swirl around her porcelain face. Her lips are radiant red tonight, does she have any idea of her beauty? An artist, walking through...Read the rest...
Categories: shy, woman,
Form: Free verse

Who I Am
I am funny, hidden under veils of shyness. Many...Read the rest...
Categories: shy, encouraging, friendship, funny, loneliness,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Shy Heart
Being in constant isolation/ The heart weakens without contact/ My heart used to/ Have a way with words/ To slowly weaken/ Only to stumble and fall/ My heart has things to say/ But I am unable to/ Let alone the fear of rejection/ Or...Read the rest...
Categories: shy, character, conflict, courage, deep,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member offputtingly shy
offputtingly shy she seemed rather rabbity so i hopped away...Read the rest...
Categories: shy, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Senryu
On a mere sigh The eyes don't lie If you are shy....Read the rest...
Categories: shy, character, devotion, emotions, perspective,
Form: Than-Bauk
Premium Member Shy Water
Don't be afraid to swim out of shy waters... Bite your tongue it is better unsaid some days it don't pay to get out of bed Brew your coffee with a cup of tears everything out of reach...Read the rest...
Categories: shy, poems,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Shy Around Gurls And Ninteen Sixty Four
Well, you know me? I've always been shy around Gurls I didn't tell my Mom Until I was forty-four The last one I had (no not my Mom) Was in nineteen sixty-four It was a blind date I wore more aftershave On...Read the rest...
Categories: shy, anxiety, confidence, conflict, crush,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Original Mister Shy Guy
Used to be a shy and retiring type Back then but this is now Like a Super Hero I burst upon the scene To share my extensive knowhow People have never been able to stump me I'm a master at...Read the rest...
Categories: shy, simile, smile,
Form: Rhyme
Fury, A Shy Maid
My anger when watched all but nude, It soon beat a hasty retreat. Fury’s a shy maid in black mood, When exposed, ogled at, would quit, Feel helpless, void of all her wit. _______________________________ Reflections | 03.05.2013, revised January 2024|Quintain...Read the rest...
Categories: shy, anger,
Form: Quintain (English)
Camera shy
. In all uv lights save ...Read the rest...
Categories: shy, art, extended metaphor, fashion,
Form: Free verse
when florida got shy
when my river ran into your waterfall startled egrets and alarmed herons reached for the sky the claws of surprised osprey let go of wriggling fish for a long moment florida became a frozen lake you could see the stunned faces of stopped...Read the rest...
Categories: shy, poetry,
Form: Free verse

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