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Shut Out Poems - Poems about Shut Out

Shut Out
Shut Out ————— The fact that you shut me out is real, I can't help but express the pain and loss I feel, my eyes are sometimes glassy to reveal, that my heart will never truly or...Read the rest...
Categories: shut out, absence, anger, anxiety, betrayal,
Form: Rhyme
Shut Out
I try to listen to your words, find the meaning in your ruse, I speak in poetry, you speak in riddles, leaving me without a single clue. Your anger strikes against me, your words a fist against my flesh,...Read the rest...
Categories: shut out, boyfriend, confusion,
Form: Free verse

Shut Out
The truth I see in your eyes Deep down in your soul The truth you don't show anyone Not even me The anger that fills up inside you I don't understand It explodes at me with all its might It hurts it...Read the rest...
Categories: shut out, abuse, depression,
Form: I do not know?
Shut Out the Silence
Sometimes i just want to shut it all out.The noise.the pain.Sometimes i even want to shut out the silence. I imagine myself as a mute woman and at times I wonder if i couldnt speak would...Read the rest...
Categories: shut out, bullying, conflict, cry, depression,
Form: Free verse
Shut Out
October 19, 2012 ------------------------ She refuses to speak, to answer me Her silence thicker than molasses- I hate it Until now I never truly felt so alone That was- until she shut me out The silence- I can no longer stand Out...Read the rest...
Categories: shut out, angst, depression, sad, me,
Form: Free verse

Shut Down, Shut Out
He looks so forlorn Always reading, always, now Rarely looking up In his night reaching He skims over my surface Touching what he wants Protecting my heart I curl up, hiding again He begs to come in I want the feelings They are no where...Read the rest...
Categories: shut out, husband
Form: Haiku

Book: Reflection on the Important Things