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Short Unnamable Poems

Short Unnamable Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Unnamable by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Unnamable by length and keyword.

A Bird In the Hand
If I hold a little bird
in the palm of my hand,
it is as if
I am gently holding the heart of God,
even though the unnamable One
is that infinite Phoenix of Light.

For if I am gentle with this God
in my hand,
I shall be forever forgiven,
forever redeemed....

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Categories: unnamable, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Carrying Onward
As a boy I explored shallow river beds. I carried home in a jar unnamed water-bugs, minnows, tadpoles and little frogs that glowed yellow when the sunlight swam in the creek. Now the sun comes to my window, sheds streams of light to carry me back to where shallow waters sing of all unnamable things.

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Categories: unnamable, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Once upon a midnight otherworldly
My metaphysical, I could not awaken
Eagerly I looked for the literal
Through which came thrilling, thrilling, thrilling
The absurdist seemed happy instilling
The caring caring cultivating
The haunting never contemplating
Take thy evocation from out my heart
I crave the unfathomable, unnamable unworldliness
Suddenly, I heard some disciplining
Ah, distinctly I was capacitating
'It's that urbanity,' I muttered

Mjm September 18 2018...

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Categories: unnamable, 12th grade, dream,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry