Short Stifles Poems
Short Stifles Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Stifles by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Stifles by length and keyword.
Thought of the day
it’s not desire per say but the clinging ~
that stifles soul and stops heart from singing...
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stifles, desire, freedom, introspection,
God Does Not Judge
holy books
speak of sin
invoke fear
guilt stifles
we are free
always were
love and light
is the truth
of our soul
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stifles, judgement, spiritual,
Zen mode
the gap between love and action
before bliss mists crystallise
ego stifles spontaneity
being what it is
we look at curiously
inexorable force of gravity
unable to anchor luminous spirit...
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stifles, spiritual,
Free verse
Idle Musings
perhaps responsibility stifles spontaneity
if we be the doer so enacting the play
but innocence in resonation with love
is motiveless and without any inhibition
as exuberance outpouring effervescence
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stifles, muse,
Free verse
Tonight a Breeze Is Stirring
Hot as blazes summer days
die gasping for breath
A hazy curtain of humidity
stifles the earth to death
But tonight a breeze is stirring
injecting life in the air, so
I bid adieu to my steaming house
and went to sleep out there...
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stifles, night, sleep, weather,
September stifles summer’s breath
Eases itself in at sunrise
To forthcoming pumpkins
Engages Autumn’s wild chorus
Meanders among the scarecrows
Blows kisses to the migratory
Energizes the nest builders
Repaints again Fall’s sated blush...
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stifles, autumn, september,
Action and Reaction
Darkness sits in his mind,
The night is cloaked in his chamber,
Tempest rages in his closet,
He searches for a way through,
He fights and stifles,
They push back and trouble sore,
It's an unending fight,
He anticipates an end.
August 2, 2022....
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stifles, courage, dark, poetry,
Free verse
Feel, To Know
Feel, to know; rest analysis
Hesitation stifles
All doership is paralysis
Embrace Gods miracles
At play within, thunder
Behold, swirling wonder
Rising from down under
Heart aglow
Feel, to know
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stifles, spiritual,
Wild Woman Part 2
My wild woman
She splutters to start
Crunching and grumbling
She let's off a fart
Creaking and grinding
She oils up her bones
Knocking back coffee
She stifles the moans
Time for a "tune up"
Obviously slightly "out"
"Come on old dragon"
She Roars with a shout!...
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stifles, good morning,
Free verse
Your presence stifles my will
My mind goes blank thinking of you
My focus is only on your needs
Your smile adds sunlight to my night
I feel your pain when you hurt
You are my soul reason for living
I would surrender my own life, so
you could carry on with yours....
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stifles, love,
Free verse
Stupor Stifles
Stupor stifles our aliveness
In active cognition
Dulling our pristine awareness
Anchor of stagnation
Resting thought, let joy rise
Each breath, divine surprise
Vibrant bliss; path of wise
Ego trifles
Stupor stifles
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stifles, muse, spiritual,
Ostrich Syndrome
Ostrich syndrome, fears freedom
Choosing self-hypnosis
Not quite the pathway to wisdom
Death by slow osmosis
Stagnation stifles soul
Touch divine, makes heart whole
With zest, playing life role
Delusion spawned dome
Ostrich syndrome
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stifles, depression, freedom,
The Winter Chill
The winter chill, stifles life force
Warmth of the sun is gone
Soul presence yet takes it’s own course
Choosing to smile and yawn
Though body has a say
Joy pulse holds fears at bay
Heart’s delight, night and day
Enjoy the thrill
The winter chill
Quietus ...
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stifles, joy, winter,
Your Love
your love stifles me
your love, it brings me down
you love, it never lifts
your love is never around
you love, it holds me
under; I feel I may drown
your live bites and tears me
your love's a burden and I'm bound
I'm not sure how it came to this
but I'm sure this shouldn't be
your love's a poisonous kiss
and I know it's killing me....
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stifles, abuse, anxiety, love,
Belly-up at Dawn
Radio’s on loud at the crack of dawn
though it blared to the full moon too
A couple of fans whir all day
though it’s mostly hot air they spew
A goldfish drifts belly-up in her bowl
dirt-clouds laze past the coral and shoal
The pall of her death stifles the air
where once breathed a maiden so fair
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stifles, death, fish, senses, youth,
The gray sky stifles me
with it's thick fog
of underlying epistles,
causing my soul to shudder
I feel as heavy as a mountain,
but I'm only a molehill
on the edge of earths bend
my hands, he says
are too small
to write big
so I stick to the surface
and scribe
of faint occurrences
that define naught
because he's fearful
of my poems truth...
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stifles, introspection, life
Free verse
The Weather Girl
only girl stranger
to her dad and her step mom
history strikes again
drawn to ones treating
us like we might have good sense
no matter the risk
rebellion is stealth
comes in oh so many forms
stuck under that thumb
that iron thumb stifles
'til anything looks better
do the best we can
hard to understand
prolly just a big package
she'll get bored of this...
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Everybody was half-naked on the trail
of curves. Braindead. Emptied thought.
A single vacant look.
“Why me?” I ask. Stay stupid in the crowd. Looking
at the moon, indulgent. Plucking the nector from
knobs of naked flames.
No coming back from days of unknowing
the secrets of unskopen words. A cry stifles
in the throat of a prayer.
A moon was found on a dump !
Satish Verma...
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stifles, adventure, allegory, angst, animals, anniversary, art
I do not know?
it crowds
who i am
who i’ve become
the darkness stifles my aura
an unbearable
sense of destruction
a moment of weakness
corrupts my body
a poison
warps my meaning
filled with unknown
as i lay motionless
reality moves closer
no make believe
waking up to a dream
i lay in loneliness
an asylum
i lay in silence
emptiness in spirit
a depth
‘til judgment
i lay in solitude
i lay...
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stifles, death, introspection, life,
I do not know?
Muse Alive
No blood, no bone;
no sinewy flesh can hide muse’s cries.
No muffler stifles;
any trifles, of muse’s singing soul.
A celebrant of life is muse alive.
Intonations paint, blue and pinkish skies.
The greens and gold’s,
of earth and time;
how they revel in muse alive.
Muse upon her natural high;
gifts us with her best.
Expressions fly from muse alive.
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stifles, appreciation, art, beauty, image, imagery, muse, writing,
Free verse
The Words
Gripping my pen in desperation
Waiting for the words to appear
Slowly it travels from my brain
But just as quickly disappears
The words don’t want to come
They are stuck in the abyss so full of pain
The pain that stifles my creation to the
Point of no salvation, the words so sweet
And gentle hide behind the dense fog of
my imagination. What a nuisance this can be
Tortured thru my own mechanization...
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stifles, angst, words, write,
Free verse
This Love
The itch to love
and satiate pride
swallowed too long stifles
without emancipation
A tragic capitulation to self
Pride, perhaps acerbic,
leaves morsels to ruminate
and loves to regurgitate
coy ceramic dalliances
and Venusian masquerades
Masked in smiles
And toxic
This love,
These loose granite memories
Ductile innocents
And hasty lulls
These shining sunsets
And supernovas
Must rest.
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stifles, love, memory, mental illness, pride,
Free verse
I stole your shirt weeks ago
I don’t know why
I saw it lying on your bed, just so
I put it in a baggie and sealed it up tight
I know how that sounds
I put it in my dresser drawer, out of sight
I stole your shirt weeks ago
It still smells of you
This much I know
I bury my face up to my ears
Your shirt stifles the sobbing
And it swallows my tears
I now know why
I stole your shirt
It helped me say goodbye...
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stifles, break up, loss, sad,
Free verse
Zen Mode
waiting for news
with bated breath
ego thus in stealth
stifles bliss muse
let the movie play
in as is ordained
feel not strained
surrender the way
ego spawned is fear
life’s but a dream
soul chose to stream
that does now appear
in witness mode
atop the Ferris wheel
acceptance and zeal
lightens heart’s load
bliss ignition renewal
soundless thunder
a sublime wonder
rapture continual
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stifles, spiritual,
Enclosed Rhyme
Breaking Us Apart
Wafts of a relentless rain remain
change in chilled air stifles the night
heavy hearts hopelessly rearranged
me looking at you
you looking at me
but neither of us see
winds drifting in and out
pulling us apart
Sunshine spilt out all her dreams
into a bucket of mystery
one we reached for but only
filled with pride and misery
lonely clouds drift away
along side of you
looking back at me
but not able to see
breaking us apart...
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stifles, lost love,
Free verse