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Short Remain Firm Poems

Short Remain Firm Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Remain Firm by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Remain Firm by length and keyword.

Hinkleworths Diatribe
yes, yes
you see, my boy
we are the belts of society
you may hear such a statement and recoil;
for indeed, it is frivolous. but what is a belt?
a woven fiber, which must remain firm and taut,
and exists only to uphold a curtain
shielding from sight shameful and private entities.
entities that govern
all that we know...

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Categories: remain firm, society,
Form: Free verse

Firm Far From Mayhem
Bride and groom of a lifetime, 
they are no longer two but one; 
Union under matrimony 
is finally made and done.

King and queen forever, 
they rule the house with love; 
Living together through thick and thin, 
under the grace from up above.

One in faith, love, and hope, 
they let God reign over them; 
Despite trial and temptation, 
they remain firm far from mayhem....

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Categories: remain firm, marriage,
Form: Verse
Even If the World Turns Upside Down
E-ven if the world turns upside down, 
L-et's remain firm and tough; 
V-ile weather may in time occur, 
I-nspired spirit though is

P-ray to the Father Almighty, 
O-nce your life is in peril; 
R-ise of the sun will begin,
T-wenty-seventh morn in April.
U-ndaunted what may come, 
G-o on standing your ground; 
A-lthough trials seem so severe, 
L-ive even if the world turns upside down....

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Categories: remain firm, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
The door is shut.
Out of the blue the lines are cut.
On the outside looking in,
Your heart is cold,
My skin's too thin.

What have you done?
Why are you sad?
Didn't you enjoy the fun you had?

Forget the cost.
Harden your heart.
Close your eyes.
Don't speak.
It may be a sign that you are weak.

Stay strong.
Remain firm. 
You're in for the long term.

By:  Carole O'Terry Duet
Copyright:  2006
"All Rights Reserved"...

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Categories: remain firm, lost love,
Form: Free verse
At Any Rate
A-t any rate, you are safe, 
B-ecause of the Almighty; 
I-t's the Lord's protection, 
G-od gives sure security.
A-t any rate, remain firm, 
I-n spite of what's happening; 
L-et your heart be brave, faith can control everything.

F-ocus at any rate, 
E-ither eye won't turn blind; 
R-ugged wind turns calm, 
R-apture you can find.
E-arly twenty-fourth of July, the Lord God is great; 
R-each the finish line, run fast at any rate....

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Categories: remain firm, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Firm and Faithful
A-fter the chill is over, 
N-ight is now passing by; 
D-ay one of March month, 
R-ain dwindles in the sky.
E-vening darkness fades, as the shadows disappear, 
W-hite clouds up above are so bright and clear.

V-iew of the rising sun
E-arly in the morning is nice; 
D-elightful as it truly is, 
A-s the warm light never

Q-uest for the lasting peace,
U-ntil you satisfy your soul; 
I-n the Lord Savior's fold
L-et's remain firm
A-nd faithful....

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Categories: remain firm, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry