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Short Flanders Poems

Short Flanders Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Flanders by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Flanders by length and keyword.

Man's Folly
Gunfire lit the clouds
as the weeping sky shed her
tears on Flanders Fields...

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Categories: flanders, war
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Flanders Screams
A gentle wind asks Answered, simply, why not still Said family grieve .

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Categories: flanders, anger, angst, horror, life, loss, people, war,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Vibrant
vibrant poppies sway
timeless across flanders field
~ ageless tears of blood

AP: Honorable Mention 2021

Posted on June 26, 2019...

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Categories: flanders, flower, nature, summer, symbolism, war,
Form: Haiku
Henge Or Flanders
Stones standing stones
Arranged in rows or circles
They tell a tale of ending
And eternal turning
To the burning
They hold

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Categories: flanders, introspection, nature, people,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Winkers Are Not Soldiers, Yet We Die
[with apologies to Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae]

We are the winkers! Short days ago,
We played all night, until dawn's glow,
Squopped and were squopped: for here we go
In the Fields of Winks, to hop them low....

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Categories: flanders, death, flower, games, humor, parody, sad, war,
Form: Quatrain

Burglarising Ned Flanders
Sneak, sneak, power, power.
My little carton of milk.
God protects him.
All over the Ned.
Sneak, Sneak, twizzle of eye.
Light light, almost on.
Light, light, candle option.
Of course, rubbber.
Coming close.
Ned catches you....

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Categories: flanders, father, god,
Form: Pastoral
Premium Member Vignette-The Imagist
Filling his verse with metaphor
Vers libre,not metre was the core,
He lit the fuse and walked away-
So little did his talent yield,for
He left his light on Flanders Field

Tribute to T E Hulme 1883-1917 initiator/catalyst of the Imagist form...

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Categories: flanders, imagination, on writing and words
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Imagist Mvp Hulme
Filling his verse with metaphor
Vers libre,not metre was the core,
He lit the fuse and walked away-
So little did his talent yield,for
He left his light on Flanders Field

Tribute to T E Hulme 1883-1917 initiator/catalyst of the Imagist form...

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Categories: flanders, poets,
Form: Rhyme
A Flower Alone
In a muddy flanders field 
A lonely flower blooms red
Tears of falling rain for those,
Who were left as dead.

They came as boys ,died as men,
Heroes all who fought a war,
Against others just like them,
Wondering what they were fighting for....

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Categories: flanders, age, parody, soldier, war,
Form: Epitaph
When Will White Poppies Bloom In Flanders Fields
War atrocious, sanguinary destructing ,frightening , excruciating battlefield , troupers ,rosary~beads ,mediator forgiving , loving ,uniting harmonic,pristine Peace
Charmaine Chircop For Dr. Ram Mehta's contest (Diamante)

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Categories: flanders, analogy,
Form: Diamante
Premium Member The Original Imagist
re post inspired by Constance contest

Filling his verse with metaphor
Vers libre,not metre was the core,
He lit the fuse and walked away-
So little did his talent yield,for
He left his light on Flanders Field

Tribute to T E Hulme 1883-1917 initiator/catalyst of the Imagist form...

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Categories: flanders, imagery, poetry,
Form: Verse

In the dawn over Flanders 
Wounded horses move no more
And dead soldiers look small.
The stillness is fragile beautiful.

Soldiers in dugouts smoke 
Eat from cans
Waits for another the fighting
To commence.

God sighs deeply
He had given us a free will
He had been rash
Regrets his frivolities....

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Categories: flanders, anxiety, art, august, baptism, betrayal,
Form: Blank verse
Fields of Death
In flanders fields,
The fields of woe,
The moon shine down,
Upon our foe.

The wars at end, 
A truce we've come upon,
The light goes dim,
And the morn will dawn.

In fanders fields 
When poppies die
The grave of dead
Soon will lie

More fall to death 
The dead has grown
In flanders fields
The fields alone...

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© Jodi Hill  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: flanders, death, war,
Form: I do not know?
Hussain Grey
You are a bandage for the wounded,
for blooded sanguine offerings.
Hussain Grey for well routined soldiers
in the trench fields of Flanders
gallant to a point of duty

Grey I see you sulking,
cowardly marches
on weeping willow lined roads
cherished that only once
to storm away
unable to make amends
for your dun colour...

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Categories: flanders, angst, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Moni Peal

Moni Peal and Beau Ideal.
Rode the Paris Ferris Wheel.

It was love at first glance.
She's the fairest lass in France.
Beau asked Moni for her hand.
Though it was a flash, Romance.
Three hundred made the wedding Dance.
Half of Flanders was entranced.

As it passed mere happenstance.
Is it not the Grand Parlance?


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Categories: flanders, analogy, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
War Cry
I did not raise a son
to die alone
on Flanders field,
his precious life to yield.

I raised a son
to grow in stature,
to stand, mature
at life's rich threshold

not to die 
amid spent bullets.
I raised a son
to outlive me

not to be
one of a thousand
faceless heroes
fallen in a foreign land

I raised my son
to grow into a man....

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Categories: flanders, death, son,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member When Poppies Bloom
Time of the year when poppies bloom Turning the flowering meadow scarlet Reminds of a famous poem of gloom, Time of the year when poppies bloom In Flanders Field there’s no more room Where loved ones felt a bitter comfort, Time of the year when poppies bloom Turning the flowering meadow scarlet.
Written May 5, 2022...

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Categories: flanders, flower, memorial, memorial day, memory, sad, war,
Form: Triolet
The Escape
There is a door in the sky
For those who wish to escape
From the nurse`s worried glance
To red lights that turn in the street
From the soft tread of a priest`s shoe
To a latinate fast finger of magic
From the over-the-top of Flanders
To the heavens that play dice
This is more life than you`ll ever need;
For those who wish to escape
There is a door in the sky....

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Categories: flanders, death,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member HellBent
(“Field of Dreams - Flanders 1917”, 2020, original oil)


Rumors of war, hard-ons for war
Bad dreams and perverse fantasies 
Driving dirty old men forward into battle.

For at least someone to do 
And have done to them.

Just as a real peace is on the horizon 
The machines of war come to life
Preparing the ground for harvest
To supply the hawks and crows 
Their carnage.


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Categories: flanders, war,
Form: Narrative
A generation gone too soon, each tank, batallion or platoon;
They went with glory on their mind, and left the ones they loved behind;
A slaughter on a massive scale, at Flanders, Ypres and Passchendaele;
They marched into the fiercest fights, to defend their countries and protect our rights;
Still formed in rows as on parade, their ranks are now formed up in graves;
In Belgium, Holland and in France, salute them for rememberance....

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Categories: flanders, death, memory, remembrance day, war, world war
Form: Blank verse
Poppy Love
' In Flanders fields the poppies blow,
between the crosses, row on row'.
So wrote the poet John McCrae,
recording the reality of his day.
Now after ninety four years have gone,
our use of the poppy has moved on.
instead of remembrance of the brave,
it sends millions to an early grave,
and today our young troops fight and die,
with many asking the question, why?
To protect the flowers in Helmand's fields,
this plant,today, such power wields!...

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Categories: flanders, confusion, loss, people, political, war,
Form: Rhyme
Armistice Day
Listen to poem:
The barbed wires gone  the craters filled in
But the poppy's still grow on Flanders fields 
men's tears have been wiped and burials done
But the poppy's still grow on Flanders fields 
young men died  because old men lied 
But the poppy's still grow on Flanders fields
A nation bows its head in prayer this day
But the poppy's still grow on Flanders fields
stop the killing end these wars 
and you will not need poppy's in a hundred years ....

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Categories: flanders, remembrance day,
Form: Free verse
The Poppy
It`s just a little flower
painted red and green
it reminds us of our Veterans
both the living and the dead

In the year of thirty nine
young men went off to war
some of them came back
others will return no more

These young mengave their lives
so freedom they coud save
now they`re buried over there
in the unknown soldiers grave

it is now november and 
thoughts they turn to snow
but lets remember Flanders Fields
wher the poppies grow...

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Categories: flanders, history, war,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry