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Shoreline Poems - Poems about Shoreline

Shoreline Poems - Examples of all types of poems about shoreline to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for shoreline.
'long hern shoreline
. she knows mine wake ...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, beautiful, blessing, extended metaphor,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member Shoreline
Eyes staring at the fading sun as my lover sailed away tears became the shoreline she hated my tortured mind I hated the river of depression The river waved good bye ...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, anxiety, depression, philosophy,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member the indigo night
(Inspired by 'Indigo Night' by Thomas W Case) A thousand thousand stars pierce the indigo night, but no moon mars the canvas, or lightens velvet strokes. Half-hearted waves slap at shoreline rocks, like tepid applause. If the sky is...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, dark, memory, morning, night,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Along the Lake Shoreline
*Inspired by the photo from the internet Through blades of grass, sun's centerpiece Shines brighter, watching light increase Thoughts get sharper, mind is more clear With globe in my hands, all is near Still reflections, enough to walk With words of...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, appreciation, peace, sun, water,
Form: Rhyme
At Sea Ii
At Sea II The start of an ocean voyage starts like life; fresh and new And best served with a brew The shoreline disappearing from view and star bright Replacing the street lights fading fast into the night The seas...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, adventure, inspirational, sea, weather,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member 'shoreline'
Maybe it's better to roam about unnoticed To do your thing with so much pride That you forget that some see it as a competition That where you are in life Is where you need to be even if...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, introspection, life,
Form: Free verse
Shoreline Art
A crinkled shore on the Upper Peninsula. We are hunting Golden Eagles. Cameras fully loaded. You find a small stone, on it, a crimp and cockle of wind and waves has rucked an impression of an eagle in flight. “It's only ripple art,...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A New Shoreline
The earth is as fluid as the sea itself Like these thoughts which have no ultimate or fixed reality As the tide rises, in waves of silver To touch the edges of wet sand Like tears sparkling that edge over With...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, extended metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Rocks On the Shoreline
We are like rocks on the shoreline,. The waves come in like the feelings we experience daily, they wash over us, but we remain there day after day. The waves build our character with each...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, analogy, beach, character, emotions,
Form: Free verse
The Seawater
As I walk through the seashore I hear the gentle sound of the waves I feel the cool breeze of the wind that flashes through I feel the waves in my feet A little water sprinkle over me I see...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, sea,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Some Unconnected Footles
Unconnected Footles fun words thoughts tour —- ———————————— Long years Jade tears ———————————- Expand Seive gains —————————- heart hunts long nerve —————————- shoreline foot prints —————————- touch God dance oft —————————- winds flare hopes rise —————————- soul blessed grace placed —————————- wrens meet birds’ song —————————- (c) sally Young eslinger 2021...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, fun, god, love, nature,
Form: Footle
Premium Member View From the Shoreline
So soothing on her skin, moist wind from the sea The waves stretching and folding back on itself as the setting sun sinks on the horizon.... ...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, beach, beauty, imagery, sea,
Form: Sapphic stanza
What if the sea stopped moving, lay as still as setting concrete? And all around the gulls scolded a lament as seals flapped aimlessly, trying to raise a swell. With cormorants stranded on a rock as poised...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, environment, nature,
Form: Free verse
It Be Like Those Kinda Times
The rumblings of thunder Appearing out of nowhere It was sunny just seconds ago Ran inside the abandoned beach house Right near the shoreline Trying to create a new normal In this abnormal time The swishes of grey hues Swirled into a huge...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, beach, hello, life, longing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Silent Shoreline, Ocean Deep
The panorama's full-blown dreary My legs and feet uncommon weary Birds unseen, private counsel keep Silent shoreline, ocean deep My eyes espy a mallard duck forlorn bobbing up and down on...Read the rest...
Categories: shoreline, bird, loneliness, sea, sun,
Form: Rhyme

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