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Shock Absorber Poems - Poems about Shock Absorber

Shock Absorber Poems - Examples of all types of poems about shock absorber to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for shock absorber.

Upon the precipice of an abyss
...Upon the precipice of an abyss I stand able, eager, & ready to jump impossible mission to swallow lump muscles primed analogous to pump prayer for soft landing on mine rump bereft this johnny ......Read the rest...
Categories: shock absorber, 6th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Free verse
Figurative Paralysis Laid Waste Body Electric of Mine
...Figurative paralysis laid waste body electric of mine This is Spinal tap bamboozling, binding, bleeding, bombing... ripped from every dog eared and book marked page recounting latest ill fat......Read the rest...
Categories: shock absorber, absence, adventure, allusion, analogy,
Form: Free verse

...Last week, I walked up to a woman, My arms encircling her un-notified waist, After stiffly pointing out to some man His not- funny miscalculations from childish haste… Only yesterday was traili......Read the rest...
Categories: shock absorber, character, emotions, hate, hurt,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Desperation Fuels Go Fund Me Campaign
...Desecration, desertion, designation, yours truly doth poetically dislodge destabilization, destination, description I auto deftly, but did not dodge regarding destitution, hodgepodge compris......Read the rest...
Categories: shock absorber, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
2009 Hyundai Sonata Funereal Lament
...Unaffordable, yet valiant speeding, tailgating, and zooming Pep Boys, I cannot dodge. Yours truly grief stricken (sob... sob... sob)... wheely hard to bear this anticipatory anxiety riddled......Read the rest...
Categories: shock absorber, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Human Sack Gruff Ice Agonizingly Glommed
...Human Sack Gruff Ice Agonizingly Glommed... Murderously Skewered, And Torturously Zapped Directv linkedin to accentuate piddly money crisis, tis zen uneasy fate, I imagine dragons gyrate ting,......Read the rest...
Categories: shock absorber, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member A Brutal Sport
...Football is a brutal sport It's boxing without pads Bone-jarring collisions rattle the head Collect too many, and you'll be dead It also takes its toll on the knees Scar tissue, art......Read the rest...
Categories: shock absorber, america, death, football, hurt,
Form: Rhyme
Love Hate Love
...i've been telling myself to stop i've been trying hard to escape i've been loving you all my life but do you really care? there's a little piece of heaven, inside this hell with you for only ......Read the rest...
Categories: shock absorber, death, goodbye, grave, hurt,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Suffering Transforms Us
...Suffering is to be found in every phase of life Will be evident in the life of anyone who follows Father Christ It is not a punishment or penalty But an ordinary part of earthly existence Pati......Read the rest...
Categories: shock absorber, black african american, christian,
Form: Light Verse
Sweet Mom
...It began with a kiss of love graduated to nine months of mixed feelings which ended in hours of horrible pains and regrets. In the sight of your babe came a sincere smile of success. You didn'......Read the rest...
Categories: shock absorber, africa, mom, mother, mother
Form: I do not know?
How Come, I Am a Dirt Or a Shock Absorber
...HOW COME, I AM A DIRT OR A SHOCK ABSORBER! Never mind the insult That, for sure I am not Though in bad light I’m likened to a dirt In a kitchen sink or toilet bath Strained as it ......Read the rest...
Categories: shock absorber, angst,
Form: Free verse
The Body You Are Afraid To Lose
...A cry is the harvest of the body. Blood and sweat is the lord of the body. Breath is the earth of the body. Flesh is the bread of the body. Skin is a second hand blanket for the body. The he......Read the rest...
Categories: shock absorber, inspirationalvoice, body, voice,
Form: Classicism

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry