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Shell Poems - Poems about Shell

Shell Poems - Examples of all types of poems about shell to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for shell.
Brittle Shell
Thin skin, fragile bone, Hearts that break, a whispered fear, Dust to dust we fall. ©bfa030225 ...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, poems,
Form: Haiku
The Shell
Hard and rigid The life so lived and so painful Lived to be smart, your own way and left this world wanting more Hard and broken, rigid and angry Soft and beautiful The life so lived and a beautiful...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, anger, death, emotions, heartbroken,
Form: Free verse

Where Did I Go Wrong?
Where Did I Go Wrong? I was young, bright full of promise, full of light. High school passed in a blur, a victory too soon, too fast. They cheered, they clapped, Mom wept with pride, but I barely had time to...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, absence, analogy, character, work,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Shell Of Gall
Much colder than a wind chill factor causing chaos in the silence; Do not underestimate the blizzard inside of a Capricorn growl; Unassuming and polished shell of gall....Read the rest...
Categories: shell, emotions, feelings, january,
Form: Nonet
Shell: Jane Grey
Shell (Jane Grey) The Knights are all lining up to have their taste of me. Because I'm quiet and demure of the weak and tired and pure they lock us up forevermore. Their whispers and their shouting too, always surrounded,...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, abuse, angst, anxiety, corruption,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member but a shell
ghosts … peek every corner these walls were the vessel of a family - the body of a progenic spirit that inhabited these bones of wood and plaster and glass … and hope for nearly four tens of years … a blood...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, analogy, home, house,
Form: Free verse
Ghost in a Snail Shell
In the alleys of mirrors, reflections stare back with faces I've yet to covet. The cacophony of screams and whispers, a post-coital slack-jawed pause, the aftermath of endless nights and getting lost in vorpal holes...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, art, deep, depression, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Small shell
I wish you could break your walls so you could see that your shell is too small here outside in the mist there is a world waiting patiently for you for so long... But I lost my hopes over time your heart isn't yours and isn't...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Empty shell
Go with your life go somewhere else you, empty heart you, empty shell what can I get from you other than pain? go as far as you want I will stay. Jessica...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
DEEP INSIDE A SHELL With lyrics that do not connect And no shiny surface to reflect Odd choices one doesn’t expect To get the meaning of that song Perhaps you faked it far too long All when living deep inside a...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, words,
Form: Rhyme
Hold The Ocean
if you hold the ocean up to your ear an old empty shell is what you will hear a creature long dead that once called it home his belongings sent to charity, all his stuff gone sold by online...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, death, family, humor, love,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member A shell of herself
The old wood framed home stood stark and abandoned, a shell of herself, where now new homes were standing.. Rotted roped windows wept with the rains and rattled and trembled with each passing train.. The once solid foundation now...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, age, change, time,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Snail Shell Relativity
A snail makes his home inside a shell. "My home", I say, "is a living hell".  A snail without a shell's a slug. "I guess, my home's not so bad", I shrug. ...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, animal, home, humor,
Form: Epigram
Premium Member She
Beauty humming in the pearly shell ...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, beauty, girl,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member shell gathering
gathering seashells walking on the beach with my son at morning sunrise...Read the rest...
Categories: shell, beach,
Form: Haiku

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