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Shard Poems - Poems about Shard

Shard Poems - Examples of all types of poems about shard to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for shard.

Shattered Glass Dipped In Red: Four Shards; Fourth Shard
Fourth Shard I need to clean Who’s gonna clean? What do I do? I can not move I’m tired I need to rest Five minutes Please I’m tired I need to rest Please be quiet I’m trying to rest Shhhhh Just five minutes I’ll clean in...Read the rest...
Categories: shard, anxiety, childhood, emotions, truth,
Form: Free verse
Shattered Glass Dipped In Red: Four Shards; Third Shard
Third Shard But black I could clearly see where the past dried And the new began I need to clean this dried blood Before more comes Damage control Before I could even I collapse I’ve lost too much I can’t move What’s happening ? What do...Read the rest...
Categories: shard, anxiety, childhood, emotions, time,
Form: Free verse

Shattered Glass Dipped In Red: Four Shards; Second Shard
Second Shard Shattered glass dipped in red I forget about the glass And begin to clean the blood And that stings too Causing more And more And more It won’t stop First the time of the past Then shattered glass Then blood Then shattered glass dipped...Read the rest...
Categories: shard, anxiety, depression, time, truth,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Shattered Glass Dipped In Red: Four Shards; First Shard
First Shard My childhood was tainted in a single moment In an instant It happened so fast And unable to go back Turn back time To change that moment To continue the purity For the purity to last...Read the rest...
Categories: shard, anxiety, conflict, depression, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Within the shard of dreams, we wander, with the wing of time
Within the shard of dreams, we wander, with the wing of time, Penetrated by the mystery and alchemy of existence, The glitter of a lone star pierces through the darkness, For us both, steering us through a clear...Read the rest...
Categories: shard, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

Packing up with nowhere to go. Feeling out of control. Realizing everyone around me had me as their piece on a board. Now that I know what do I do with that? Feeling in control, still with no place to go. Can't move, I'm...Read the rest...
Categories: shard, poetry,
Form: I do not know?
I am a shard, Remnant of a broken family portrait. Jagged and rough, But oddly complete I am a shard, Shattered platter at supper. Lamb is the main course, A sacrificial offering to mend what was I am a shard, No longer complete. My jagged...Read the rest...
Categories: shard, anger, angst, depression, divorce,
Form: Free verse
Living Shard
Blue men talking, standing askance. Boasting through insecurity's dance. Hands on their hips, changing lead. Reacting on cue, shifting need. Negotiating through, judgment with a glance. Women walking, asking what's new. Gossip, the only bile they spew. Hand flicks hair, waiting...Read the rest...
Categories: shard, deep, encouraging, feelings, humanity,
Form: Rhyme
Waited for a perfect moonbeam To filter through the night Shimmering silver like a dream To catch as if starlight....Read the rest...
Categories: shard, moon,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Shard and Silk
Shard and silk take your turn enter into the hue... of a spinning urn. It's ok to weep. To make a pond of salt. For when love buckles under ice blown mountains it may not be your fault. Shard and silk. write your love song...Read the rest...
Categories: shard, adventure, allegory, art,
Form: Bio

Book: Reflection on the Important Things