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Sewing Poems - Poems about Sewing

Sewing Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sewing to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sewing.
Weaver's collection
A castle full of mouths that talk about you They tell me your vices that aren't true But all my ears listen are the words my heart speak of you So I dedicate this piece of cloth to...Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, creation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sewing Circle
A Beautiful Collection Artistic. Brilliant colours. Dainty embroidery. Fragile golden hues in jewelled kaftans. Light multicoloured needlework on patchwork quilts. Rich silken tapestries Unusual vestments with xstitching. Yarmulke & Zucchetto. ...Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, beautiful,
Form: ABC

Sewing A Thread
Intelligence Calm and patience Of the essence....Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, character, peace, perspective, psychological,
Form: Than-Bauk

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Serging Through Life's Stitches with Scars
Serging through life, I whipstitch, weft, and welt, But always, my thoughts are pick-threading. As stippled patches of emotion rise and fall in me, See me, feel me, touch me, heal me Just too many scars. The mindless mind stresses...Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, emotions, faith, philosophy, psychological,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sewing Land
She fell asleep at her sewing machine again Don Tee Oh Tee came along with dribble on his chin Sure he was wearing his armor it looked rusty too Nothing about the old guy was interesting or new. Queen...Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme

Balls and Belles
These rugby-playing girls - or women, should I say? - are so rough and ready, dashing down that field, conveying that oval ball from this end to that, gritting their teeth. Oh, what might! Such a sight! Or do I not prefer to...Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, color, sports, woman, women,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sewing a New Heart
What are you doing? I asked Little Lee. I am sewing a new heart, said she with glee. What is wrong with the old one? Asked I. It left with a scoundrel, a mean kind of guy. So you...Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Run From a Sewing Machine
The daughter of a professional seamstress, I am a tactile learner, I have to feel the possible fabric to make a decision. If it is rough like linen or denim, I am not a fan. I like flowing...Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, art,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member More Sewing Footles
Slip Stitch gave chase lost face Whip Stitch LaRue debut Loose Stitch sought it lost it Old Sewl pedal treadle...Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, cute, silly, word play,
Form: Footle
Premium Member Sewing Elf
sewing elf with his knitted socks and his crocheted bibs sits among the wild flowers, counting neonate nursery cribs. stitching up mattress covers and fluffy pillows for the young. he has a keen sense of humor and laughs...Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Sewing Footles
So and Sew I sew it’s so So Fine nimble thimble Lost Pattern quilted wilted Chain Stitch lost link pants sink Running Stitch pants torn forlorn Stitch in Time mended splendid Long Stitch I sew so slow Prickle needle bleedle...Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, cute, funny, humor, silly,
Form: Footle
Premium Member Setting Out Fat Quarters
Janice set out a variety of fat quarter cottons arranging and rearranging colors until she was happy one brown she kept tossing out, then pulling back in she loved making quilt decisions she had a new pattern, old to...Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, sister,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Would You Like To Try
Shelly sat watching, fascinated. her great-grandma was quilting. making the most marvelous blanket. this is the largest one I’ve ever made, she said. would you like to take a few stitches? Shelly nodded. She was breathless. her great-grandma watched her put...Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Remove Splinter With Sewing Needle
Sewing Needle Horn Haiku. with sewing needle mother removed my splinter needed her to do....Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member A Sewing Machine
A manual sewing machine Strenuous but beneficial It sews dresses Two edges meet And being stitched together Passion and reunion in life too Two hearts meet and stay together It mends dresses A hole in life must be patched too Life isn't...Read the rest...
Categories: sewing, love, pain, wisdom,
Form: Free verse

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