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Sequenced Poems - Poems about Sequenced

Sequenced Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sequenced to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sequenced.

Premium Member Unless I Know My Name
Unless I Know My Name David J Walker Drugs that make me sleep Without dreams Are useless Drugs that make me dream Without sleep Are the same After all I am here to name each Sequenced dream Frame by frame A job I...Read the rest...
Categories: sequenced, allusion, dream,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Verse Freed Footle Sequenced
FOOTLE in a silhouette sequence SILHOUETTE 1 in blue for you SILHOUETTE 2 statue in blue SILHOUETTE 3 arms wide alive SILHOUETTE 4 so still until SILHOUETTE 5 it fades from view...Read the rest...
Categories: sequenced, poetry, word play,
Form: Footle

Premium Member Sequenced - January View
wind whispers in the trees this cold winter day . . . a brown bird is chirping and twittering loud . . . a snowflake drifts and twirls spinning down, down down . . . my cold view of winter from my window warm . . . _____________________________ January 5, 2020 Poetry/Lanterne/Sequenced...Read the rest...
Categories: sequenced, nature,
Form: Lanterne

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Sequenced Forms
credible diologue, pervasive graphic amalgam of forms- infused by the poetic became ...Read the rest...
Categories: sequenced, art, poetry,
Form: Verse
Premium Member A Sequenced Ekphrasis Lanterne
A flimsy negligee betrays her round shape- an honest innocnce in becalmed deep sleep. After Frederick Leighton Flaming June the rest...
Categories: sequenced, art,
Form: Lanterne

Book: Reflection on the Important Things